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Kazansky Residence, 2000

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Kazansky Residence, 2000

Bradley walked into the Kazansky's home and was overwhelmed by the smell of fresh breakfast. He breaths in the warmth of pancakes, sweet smell of fresh fruit, and bacon. Bradley closed the door behind him and took off his shoes. From the kitchen he could hear the radio playing softly, a humming of the lyrics, and clanking of glasses and plates.

Aiden stood in the kitchen wearing a white apron that stood out against his black shirt and shorts. In his right hand is a plate of, what Bradley guessed from the color, sausage links and bacon. Aiden ran a hand through his hair, pushing it from his face as he set the plate down before opening  the fridge. Bradley watched a moment longer before knocking on the wall, gaining the blonde boy's attention.

"Oh, Bradley," Aiden looked at the clock, wondering if Bradley is ahead of schedule or he's behind. The clock read 8:30 am in Roman numerals.

"Just a little early." Bradley commented with a smile. Aiden smiled back and grabbed the plate of eggs on the counter and handed it to Bradley.

"Can you help me clean up a bit. My dad is still asleep and he wouldn't want to wake up to the mess I've made."

"Yeah, sure." Bradley said as he picked up a bowl that looked like it held eggs moments before he arrived. He placed the bowl in the sink just as Aiden did. When his hand brush against Aiden's he could feel his body heat up, like Aiden's hand was radiating heat. When he pulled his hand back he swore he felt sad, a almost lonely feeling.

"How's it going, Bradshaw?" A older voice asks from the stair case. Tom Kazansky continues to walk down the stairs until he got to Bradley. He stuck his hand out for a handshake.

"Good," Bradley replied while shaking Mr.Kazansky's hand. "Just stopping by a little early."

"Oh, well, come have a seat. Aiden always makes more than necessary."

•  •  •

"We'll be back in a few hours, Mr.Kazansky." Bradley told him as he puts his shoes back on. He decided, on one of the only nice days during the fall, to take Aiden around some small stores. Aiden has a thing for old posters, and Bradley knows that Aiden can get a deal on basicly anything.

Aiden wore a orange sweatshirt with jeans and his convers, Bradley in a similar outfit with a green sweatshirt. Aiden said 'goodbye' to his father one last time before walking out the door with Bradley.

The begining of fall is one of Aiden's most favorite time of the year. All the colors changing, the cooling of the air. It makes him happy. And he loves going thrift shopping and antiquing, which Bradley also finds slight interest in.

When they came upon the small shop Aiden's cheeks were already begining to hurt from him smiling almost the entire walk over there.

"Hurry up, Brad!"

"Don't call me that." Bradley said with a sigh. He knows that Aiden knows he hates being called 'Brad'. He doesn't really have a reason, he just doesn't like it. But, of course, Aiden still calls him that to get under his skin a bit.

"Hurry up, or nothing good is going to be left." Aiden said as he held the door open for Bradley.

"Ladies first." Aiden joked.

"If you insist." Bradley replied before gesturing for Aiden to go in first. This small interaction caused heat to rise in Aiden cheeks, forcing him to go ahead of Bradley so he wouldn't notice his red face. Bradley, who didn't expect Aiden to go so willingly, followed after with a smile of his own. Aiden kept his back to Bradley until he was sure his face wasn't beat red.

"H-Hey, look at this." Aiden stuttered as he grabbed a poster, a jurassic park poster, in a large black frame. Bradley stands next to Aiden to look at the poster right over Aiden's shoulder.

"Oh, and it's priced well. Eight dollars, not bad."

"Do you want it?" Aiden questioned the brunette. Bradley smiled as Aiden handed him the poster.

"Thanks." Bradley said as Aiden continued through the aisles full of stuff. Throughout their shopping spree Bradley decided on the Jurassic Park poster, a few CD's, and a glass vase he thought would be perfect for his mother. Aiden found the Lord of the Rings trilogy (each book seperate), a gold color candle holder, and a small set of candles for said candle holder.

As they left the shop Bradley started to walk further into town with Aiden at his side.

"I thought we were done?"

"Well, I want to go to this book store I saw. It had a sign that said a book for, like, two bucks." Bradley explained. Aiden cocked an eyebrow.

"Since when did you start to enjoy reading?"

"I'm not doing it for me." Bradley said with a smile. This caused Aiden's face to heat up once again.

Feelings like this always confused Aiden. He never felt like this with anyone else, only the brunette best friend. Being with Bradley was like dreaming the best dream, like staying up at night and watching your favorite movie. Aiden knew about gay peole, men liking other emn, and when he was younger he never thought twice about being one of those people. But now, at fifteen, he was starting to question what he really finds attractive.

Bradley is the same way. He loves seeing Aiden, he loves being with Aiden. And even if he didn't know it yet, he did love him. But, maybe this is what it's like to have a really close bestfriend.

Maybe it's all normal. . .

Maybe not.


Short chapter, but look at that
gif of Miles Teller, aw!

I love him so much.

I'm also almost done with school,
just a few more days until I have all
summer to write, well as much as I can.

Who else has watched Andor? Like
how is he that hot! Bruh!


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