Journey Begins

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"Hello?" As I was still in the middle of sleeping I heard a voice.

"Hello?" It was pretty damn constant. Can't they see I'm sleeping?


"Five more minutes." I said to the voice to get them to shut up. I need my sleep. I then felt some hands grab hold onto my shoulders. They began shaking violently. The type to give a newborn "Shaking Baby Syndrome". It was horrible, I could feel myself getting dizzy.

"Velzura, wake up!"

I managed to open my eyes mid shaking session to see a tall and tan muscular man.

'Who is he? How the hell does he know my name?' I believe he noticed that I opened my eyes, even if it was only a split second.

"Oh your awake." He said as he released me, dropping me but first onto the ground, butt first.

"Tis' I, Veldora Tempest! Kuhahahaha!"

"Veldora? Thats you, how did you get your human form?" I asked curiously.

"That assistant you have with you guided me. She said it would be beneficial for our journey."

"Cool, I think. I believe I have been in here long enough. Lets leave shall we." I asked the great storm dragon.

"Hm, of course little brother." With our current job taken care of, it is time to leave this place. I was not in there for so long, but I wonder what we will encounter upon this journey of ours.

2 Hours Later:


It took a few hours but we finally made it to the exit of this gate. As we were both hiding our Auras, many monsters came up to attack us.

Veldora has lived in this world long enough and he definitely knows how to fight. So I told him to hold back on the monsters since I wished to fight them myself.

Actually the more appropriate term would be 'decimate', but I guess it works.

In a very little amount of time too, we made it to massive gate, which I believe is the exit to this cave.

"You mind pushing this open?" I asked my newest brother.

"Kuhahahaha! Already asking for your older brother's assistance? Very well! I shall provide you with the power of the storm dragon!" He boasted once more. Man, how much does he like to boast of his strength? Not that I don't mind it that much, If I had his power, I would boast that too.

The big guy approached the door and cocked his fist back. And I mean way back. In a single motion, he threw his hand forward, shattering the entire door in a single strike. The damage was like an indestructible semi-truck plowing straight through a reinforced titanium building.


That was all I could manage to utter. He is a True Dragon as well, so that may mean I have a lot of latent potential to get as strong as him.

"Hahahahahaha!" I began to laugh manically at the thought of being even stronger than I am now.

"Hm? Oh yes, Kuhahahahaha! The showcase of my mighty power impressed you, did it?" He asked as he looked over at me with an expectant smile.

"It was impressive, but soon... I will be stronger than older brother." I said in an attempt to motivate him to not let me surpass him.

"Hoh... challenge accepted little brother." He said as he raised out his fist for a fist bump.

"Hahaha, it's a deal." I said as I answered his fist bump. A deal to not let me surpass him. That may be fun.

With the one obstacle that was obstructing out journey out of the way gone, we are now free to continue.

That Time I got Reincarnated as a True DragonWhere stories live. Discover now