Meeting my Neice

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"Who the hell is Milim?" I asked. When I turned towards everyone, all of them had a shocked expression aside from Veldora.


"D-Demon L-Lord M-Milim?"

Both Kaijin and Raiga were shocked, both stuttering quite a bit.

"That is correct. That sleeping child is demon lord Milim. And she is our niece." Veldora said with a smirk.

"Our niece? Who's daughter is she?"

"She is the daughter of our elder brother, Star King Dragon Veldanava. Currently she is a member of the demon lords. As well as being one of the eldest and strongest."

"Hoho, I want to fight her already to test my actual power." I said somewhat excited. Testing my limits with someone like her would prove to be worth my time and fun in more ways than one.


I turned to her to see her let out a loud yawn. I noticed that she also raised up and started rubbing her eyes.

However, upon this happening, the dwarves ran behind a tree to hide themselves from her. Ranga and Raiga hid behind both Veldora and I.

"Ho! I sense a dragon factor within you!" She shouted as she ran up and grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Yes.... I am the youngest True Dragon." I said a bit nervous. Why wouldn't I? She just suddenly ran up and grabbed me. It would be weird if I was not uncomfortable.

But to my answer, a devious smile appeared on her face. She released me from her grip. She was standing about 4 steps in front of me. She raised her right hand and pointed directly at me.

"Then Fight Me!" She shouted.

"Umm, right now?" I said some what nervous. I would be happy to fight her so I can test my own abilities. But, I would like to get some stuff done in order to bring the rise of my kingdom. So fighting her right now may or may not be an option.

"Yes!" She shouted with a fierce determination to fight me.

"How about at a later date?" I said with a smile before reluctantly turning my back on her and walking away. Man I really do want to fight her though. She is part of our family so theirs no doubt shes strong, But.... I must have restraint.

"Hah! Wait wait wait! Please fight me! Im so bored!" She had rushed right in front of my, grabbing my collar and slumping to the ground. Merely dragging me down with her.

"Look what do you want me to do? Also where did you even come from?" Once I asked, she perked right back up.

"I came from another demon lords place."

"Another Demon Lord? And what were you doing there?"

"He invited myself and two other demon lords to speak about his plan for the forest. After a little bit into boring speaking, I sensed a strong aura coming from here!"

Oh. When I had used my True Dragon Haki to subdue the wolf pack. If she sensed it.... Does that mean the others sensed it as well. It should not have been enough for anyone to notice, but those who are apart of our race may have sensed it.

I think I made a mistake now.

But also, "A PLAN for the forest"? What the hell was that supposed to mean? As this was Veldoras forest long before I stepped in as well, they should have no authority to do anything here.

"WAIT! THEY HAVE A PLAN FOR MY FOREST?!" Veldora who had heard this instantly went to questioning.

"Hm? Oh, Veldora! How did you break your seal?"

That Time I got Reincarnated as a True DragonWhere stories live. Discover now