The War Approaches

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Velzura POV:

Hahhh..... the day is about to come. According to Raphael, they will attempt to stage a public scene for the humans visiting to see. It would be one to show that we are not the kind monsters that they believe.

They got me there, its a decent plan, but with Raphael any plan simply falls short of her genius. She knows there moves before they even make them now. It is quite the advantage over any battle of wits.

Including the plans of other individuals going on at the time. Thanks to Raphaels intelligence, I am informed about every important situation I need to know. Earlier previous to our Charybdis incident, there was a group of ruffians that was sent out by the Kingdom of Farmus, you know.... The kingdom that appears to be sparking a war with is allied with a few others. They had been sent out to confirm the existence of an orc lord that they had heard about, but that changed when they ran into our kingdom. Long story short, I gave them an offer to be the heroes who packed up the orc lord. Although it hurts my pride to let someone take the recognition for my feat, it is something I had to do. He is now somewhat of a champion on our side.

According to Raphael as well, Youm would meet quite the interesting lady and introduce her to our executives.

But back to the more pressing matters and not Youms dear friend.

Currently I am simply laying down on the couch inside our castle again. Why have I not moved since I went to sleep earlier? Simple. When I woke up from that nap, I found myself laying on something both squishy and soft. When I looked up I found none other than Velzards smiling face as she was caressing my head. She spoils me quite alot to tell you the truth. Even Shion and Shuna try to do this for me when I am in dragon form. But I don't get the same amount of satisfaction and serenity when its Velzard doing it. I feel completely at peace with it.

On the other couch in this room Veldora reading his manga. Usually Milim would be here with us, she took off after taking a bath in the hot springs. She said she had business to attend to.

But never-mind her business, she can handle herself no matter the situation. She is older than me and probably stronger than me too, so why shouldn't I have trust in her.

"Question." I said abruptly, causing Velzard to look down at me in surprise. She seemed to not have noticed that I was awake. Veldora as well had looked up from his manga.

"Ara, I didn't notice you were awake. How was your nap?" Velzard had asked.

"It was comfy." I has said completely unaware of my words. Out the corner of my eye I could only see Velzards smile grow even wider.

"Is that so? Well I'll make sure to spoil you more often." She raised her hand to her still smiling mouth as she tried to hide her giggle. As I heard these words, a faint tint of red could be seen on my cheeks. I was indeed blushing from this out of sheer embarrassment. Veldora on the other hand was taking this in as he covered his face with the manga and began to slightly release his laughter.

"A-Anyways, back to my question." I said as I tried to hide my embarrassment and focus on what I wished to ask my beloved siblings. Both of them stopped their teasing and looked at me in anticipation as I sat up from Velzards lap.

"The both of you.... Even in dangerous times.... Would you stick by my side?" I cast my gaze downwards as I spoke. I felt disappointed in myself for asking such a thing. They are my siblings so they might say yes, but I am asking them this as I am unsure myself. Its disappointing because it seems like I don't trust them. I should feel ashamed of myself for even asking.

"You....." I heard Velzard speak as I was still looking downward. However it was then that I had felt Velzard wrap me up in her embrace. It was not her usual overbearing type of hug. It felt full of warmth, softness and love, warm enough that I could melt away in her embrace. However, I was shocked from the sudden show of affection.

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