Calm before the War

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(Hahhhhh, this chapter will have been a recap of events that have passed. They have no major changes in truth but not major enough for me to have written a chapter dedicated to it. But the entire chapter will not simply be recapped just as events that have happened will either happen later than or earlier than it has in canon. Also, regarding the stats page I created........ those will not be completely introduced until after the empire war arc. That is all, Ciao✌️)

In the nation of Tempest all was well.

The citizens roamed the streets with nothing short of smiles on their faces. A kingdom that has now reached a population of roughly 600,000 monsters.

Thankful for all that their leaders have done for them. Because of the leaders of this nation, The True Dragons, all they have known thus far has been peace and tranquility.

It has been a total of six months since the Kingdom of Tempest has been officially acknowledged as its own independent kingdom. Due to the nation of dwarves acknowledging and forming an alliance with this kingdom it has become pretty well known. Due to such, the nation has seen humans coming and going from Tempest.

Other kingdoms such as Blumund sent over their own representatives to discuss a meeting with the either a representative or the royalty of Tempest.

To tell the truth, these representatives were fairly arrogant and believed they could manipulate the royalty to accept an offer that could only benefit the nation of Blumund.

But what they did not expect was for the kingdoms royalty to see through their plan and accept it nonetheless. Through this deal there was nothing that Tempest truly needed or wanted from Blumund. Other than allowing merchants to set up shop within Tempest, which in thus Tempest would profit from such.

A few days after that, an official treaty was signed between Tempest and Blumund. Due to this even more humans and even adventurers fluctuated towards Tempest. But even through that many people still did not believe in or want to acknowledge a nation of monsters. Whether it was people, monsters or entire nations, they still had some hint of hostility towards this nation.

Since then Tempest has been making quite the impact on the world thus far. But not all days have been completely peaceful.

A demon lord's subordinate named Phobio caused quite the ruckus a few months back. He dared to claim the kingdom of monsters in the name of his master Demon Lord Carrion. Although Carrion did not quite authorize this, Phobio went ahead and did it anyway.

Lets take a look back shall we.


Within the center of the Kingdom of Tempest, a large crowd of monsters were gathered and witnesses to a demon lords subordinates arrival. They had gathered here because he was here spouting loads upon loads of nothing but pure nonsense.

"This is a fine kingdom you've got here. Surely you believe it worthy to serve under Demon Lord Carrion." Phobio dared to speak. The person he was speaking to was the goblin king known as Rigurd, one of Velzuras executives.

"Surely you jest." Rigurd said with a response towards the arrogant beastman. These mere three words caused the arrogant beastman to become slightly enraged at the thought of being made fun of.

So before Rigurd knew it, a flaming punch was headed straight towards his face.

But the attack never arrived to its mark.

In fact, it was stopped by a fellow beastman, one who does not work under the same master as Phobio.

It was Sakame.

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