Raphaels Breakthrough (Short Chapter)

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Analyzing this seed will take some time.

Master is currently asleep within Veldoras arms, so there may be a chance that this process can speed up while master is unconscious.

In total, I have only managed to analyze a single percent of this seed.

My thoughts about this seed have been all over the place as to what it may contain.

But I have settled on a single conclusion.

It possesses an incredible amount of knowledge and perhaps the truth behind the world.

That is the only possible explanation for why it will take such a long period of time in order to analyze this seed.

But whatever truly may be dwelling within this seed, it will be a good addition to masters arsenal.

Currently however, I am approaching to be completed with two percent of the seed.

As I reached it.... Something unexpected happened.

A crack appeared in the seed.

It was not a large one but it was rather small.

It may have been small, but it was a good enough size to be able to see through.

So I took the initiative and peered through this crack.

But it was weird.

I peered through it to simply see....


There was nothing.

But to make it even weirder, it was like a void.

Nothing but vast space of nothingness was inside of this seed.

It seemed to go on infinitely, with no end in sight at all.

Just as I was about to stop peering through it, something hit me.

It was violent but not in the physical manner of being attack with a weapon.

It felt more like I had what humans call a... headache?

A greater headache at that.

But then all of a sudden, all of it was gone.

More than that... I was gone.

Where I was located looked resemblant to that of a planet.

What could I possibly be doing outside of masters soul and body?

As I observed my surroundings in this unknown area, I came to the conclusion that I was indeed inside a house.

It looked pretty modern at that.

There was a couch and a chair on each side of the couch placed at an angle. They were all facing what is called a Tv from Velzura-samas memories.

As I continued to observe. I could see painting placed along the wall. They were different paintings, each of then were different. That indicates that no one in these images owns the home.

To make matters worse. Everything was shifting. It was as if I was trapped within an illusion and had just been tricked into another one.

But in this one, my perspective changed. I was not seeing it with my own eyes. I was unable to move as well. Unable to do anything at all.

But through these eyes I was looking through, there I saw a man. He had long black hair, hair that supposedly had stars moving in and out of it. His build was similar to that of Veldora, however only a bit skinnier. He had golden eyes that shined as bright as Veldora and Velzura-sama.

This man was sitting across from the person whose perspective I am looking through. They seemed to be chatting about something as I saw his lips move. But it lacked sound in its entirety.

Luckily I decided to record this, I will analyze this footage later as well and piece together what is being said.

From the mans facial expressions alone the topic being discussed must have been a fairly happy one. My perspective then went haywire. They were jumping around in joy.

But that view changed once more as the area was being warped once more and I found myself back next to the egg.

Does this egg perhaps store....


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