Orcs Invade

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So far it has been roughly ten days since the ogres left. Since then, Velzard has woken up and been in a very good mood.

Nothing short of being a literal ray of sunshine. It is a bit weird to get used to but it is fun and cute of her. She had been spending quite a lot of time with Veldora, Milim and I.

But she has mostly been eager to see me fight the orc lord. Why? Because she wishes to see the power of her brother, why else.

Although I believe this fight will be a complete stomp in my favor, she remains excited because she has yet to see it at all.

She wont have to wait longer because the orc army will soon make their way to the ogre village. From what I asked Raphael earlier, they will arrive at the ogre village within 3 hours. But that was about two hours ago.

So currently we are just waiting for them to get closer. It will only take us a few minutes to actually arrive there anyways.

But the current situation I am in, is one that conflicts me. Do you recall how I said Velzard was being all nice and everything?


Okay, currently I am sitting in Velzards lap in my dragon form. And she is petting me like a cute little pet. I won't lie.... It is an amazing feeling. But in truth I don't know how to react to it. Should I purr like a cat? Wag my tail like a dog? Or not do anything.

But I feel like if I do one of those it will demean me as a past human. But it is a calming sensation that I love

"Hehe, you seem to be enjoying this little brother." Velzard said with a teasing smirk. I was wondering why she said it, until I took a look at myself.

I.... I was wagging my dragon tail and rubbing my face against her!

'I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE MY ACTIONS!' I screamed inwardly. How could I do something so demeaning to who I am?!

"No fair! No fair! Me next!" Milim had run up and requested of Velzard.

"Ara, are you perhaps jealous of your younger uncle Milim-chan?" Velzard said again teasingly. Her words made Milim blush and fidget quite a bit.

"M-Maybe." Milim had said a bit shyly. It was quite the surprising sight. She has been here for a little over two weeks and I have not seen her act such a way.

Velzard proceeded to make room for Milim on the fallen tree log we are currently sitting on and motion for her to come sit.

Milim took her seat next to Velzard and I. Next thing that happened, Velzard took Milim within her embrace, giving her as much love as she wanted. It was quite the sweet sight. During all this time she has been so kind to all of us. It was great to see she was making an effort. With her like this I am sure our kingdom will prosper to great heights.

Milim was quite startled by the sudden hug and show of affection, but she did return Velzards hug.

"All you have to do is ask and I can give you as much love I can give." I could hear Velzard whisper such things to Milim. From that, a slight tear formed in her eyes and was followed by an adorable smile.

(Velzura, they are about to approach.) Out of nowhere I received a sudden thought communication from Veldora.

(Are the preparations set?) I had asked.

(Of course. The barrier is in place. It will prevent those who have a certain number of magicules from entering. So no one other than the orc lord will be able to enter.)

(That is great. Thanks for the preparations.)

(Kuhahaha! No problem little brother, in fact you should count on me even more!)

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