New Allies & Reconcilement

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(Quick question. As the readers, do you think that Velgrynd x Rudra is a ship that does not make sense? I ask this because I upload this on another website and there I have gotten comments about it not making sense. So I simply wanted your thoughts on it. With that out of the way, please enjoy the chapter.)

Well then..... this is interesting.

After talking to Velzard and Milim for so long about how we should run things around here, Veldora had returned.

And he was not alone.

He returned with a group of ogres. His exact words when he approached us were.....

"Don't worry brother! I have managed to obtain protection for our citizens! Kuhahahaha!"

Those were his exact words. He also said that this was not all of them, they were merely a select group of ogres from the village. Just like I had thought.

However, when he found Velzard here, he began to sweat profusely.


Is something wrong between the two of them? Plus.... He has boasted that he is the strongest. So why is he so scared of Velzard? As I was thinking that, Raphael interrupted my train of thought.


'Hm? Yes? What is it?'

{I have concluded that by the current analyzation speed, it will take roughly 6 months to 8 months to complete analysis on the seed. With the pace unlocking what is stored within, it might take a shorter time.}

'Hoh! So that means I might have everything inside the seed quicker. Its like its slowly crumbling down and making it easier to get inside. That is great! Keep up the good work partner.'

I believe I could hear somewhat of a satisfied noise coming from her.... But I don't know.

Anyways, back to the scene in front of me.

Velzard was smiling at Veldora. It was not a friendly smile. I could very visibly see him sweating heavily under her gaze.

But never mind that, I turned my attention towards the group of ogres he had brought.

Two of them looked pretty much the same. I believe they were father and son. Another looked petite with bright pink hair. A more wild looking but busty purple haired ogre. A quiet and stoic dark blue haired ogre. An old white haired man. Lastly, a big black haired ogre. In total there were seven of them in front of me. If they are the specific ones in front of me, I assume that they are the most prominent ones of their village.

"So which one of you is the chief?" I decided to ask. One of them would have to be the chief if my analysis was correct.

"That would be me." Came a voice. It was one of the red haired men. The older one to be specific. It is quite surprising. He looks fairly young himself, I was thinking the old man would have been the chief.

"If I may ask, what did you want us for?" He proceeded to ask.

"Well, you see there is an army of orcs moving through the forest and destroying everything in their path. And your village is within that path."

"You think us so weak we would lose against orcs?" The younger red head ogre had said. He sounded kind of angry as he looked towards me.

To my right..... I felt the temperature drop quite a bit. Velzard was there.... Staring at the ogre.... With another not so friendly smile.

Due to Veldoras reaction to her, I don't know if I should be afraid of her.

Everyone else had also felt the drop in temperature caused by my sister.

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