Moonlit swims

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Kiara's POV
It's been 2 weeks and things honestly aren't all that bad here.. who am I kidding it's actually low key pretty damn great so far. Just like the surf trip JJ and I talked about only without the boards and all the money. Speaking of JJ, things with him have been... different lately..weird different, nice different.

We've been hanging out a lot, separately from the others. We find ourselves asking the other to come for a walk to collect wood for the fire or go berry picking or sneak away for a late night swim while everyone else is sleeping. Somehow every night we end up sleeping head to head next to each other in the sand, I can't explain it but being close to him makes me feel safe and I think he knows that somehow.

"Shit" I whispered, it must be roughly 3am. another nightmare, that's the third one I've had since we've been here.. its never the exact same but always related to drowning which is strange because I've practically grown up in the ocean.
This particular nightmare was basically a reenactment of what happened to JJ when he fell off the ship only this time she couldn't save him and they both went under...

I looked up and realised that JJ was now half sitting up, looking down at me with a concerned look on his face. It took me a few moments to realise I must had been crying in my sleep because my cheeks were wet and the light from the almost burnt out fire was definitely enough for JJ to have noticed.

"Bad dream.. sorry I woke you"I whispered whipping my eyes and looking away slightly embarrassed.

"S,okay I've been sleeping like shit all night anyway.. wanna go for a swim?"

"Jayj it's like 3am" I laughed

He smirked "And your point is? This is our island kie we make the rules"

He has got a point.

We were careful not to wake to wake the others as we snuck out of our makeshift sleeping area in the darkness. JJ almost tripped over Sarah's legs and I grabbed his arm to steady him.

Standing at the waters edge JJ reaches for the bottom of his shirt and pulls it over his head, it's as though my eyes have a mind of their own as they trace up his body from his v line all the way up to his neck and back down, I didn't even realise I was staring until... "enjoying the show are we?"


"In your dreams maybank, hurry up before I change my mind"

I quickly pull my top off and my pants only leaving my sports bra and undies on and run into the water not even 30 seconds later JJ is also in the water splashing me and being his annoyingly goofy self.

After about 20 minutes of fucking around which ending in me throwing seaweed at JJs face we make our way back to the shore and flop onto the sand out of breath and laughing, we talk for a while about nothing and about everything about how much we don't miss home but also about how much we wish we could have a joint.

..."a big fat doobie riiight about now"

"And a pizza"

"Mmm that sounds good"

Still lying on our backs I looked up at the sky and realised the stars were starting to fade and the sky was beginning to turn pink. It's morning.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now