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Kiara's POV

Sand is in places that sand shouldn't be but right now I really could care less. We are laying here, my head on his chest which is probably a big no no in the book of friends with benefits. I'm pretty sure that the kisses he is scattering across my shoulder and in my hair are off limits as well but it's happening and i have no interest in stopping it.

We put our clothes back on mainly because of the chilly ocean breeze but make no effort to walk back to the camp, instead we move a little  higher up the beach away from the rising tide and settle back down in the sand. I yawn, my eyes feel heavy.. maybe I'll just rest them for a few minutes.

"Shit" I hear


"Mmmm" I hum and snuggle closer into jjs chest

"Kiara it's morning"

"What?!" I sit up way to fast and get a huge head spin "fuck we have to go" I say standing up and squinting in the bright sun.

Once we get close enough to the camp we can clearly see that everybody is awake and eating breakfast

"Oh shit" I whisper

"Walk of shame it is I guess" smirks jj
I elbow him in the ribs

"We have to make something up"

"Go for it but they aren't stupid kie"

Shit he's right, this doesn't look good.

"Oh guys there they are! Thank god. We are getting worried.. we woke up and you weren't here. Where the hell were you?" Pope asks looking between us with a confused look on his face

"Oh we uh both woke up super early so we decided to go for a walk" I say hoping it sounds convincing enough.

I think pope and Cleo buy it but I see Sarah and John b sniggering and shaking their heads in the corner unfortunately so does pope

"what's so funny guys?" He ask

"Oh uh no nothing just an inside joke" Sarah quickly replies

Pope still looks confused but drops it and goes back to his breakfast.

Sarah grabs me and pulls me away from jj after giving him a knowing smirk which makes him smile and shake his head.

"You guys really need to be more careful if you are trying to keep this little deal a secret.. unless it's more than that now??" She questions eyebrow raised

"It's not more than that Sarah, we just fell asleep after we... you know and lost track of time that's all" I explain

"I don't know, falling asleep together on the beach after sex that's pretty adorable if you ask me" laughs Sarah

"I didn't ask you" I laugh back

"Okay just answer one question then" i wait for her to continue "after the sex what did jj do?"

I frown "what do you mean?"

"What did he do right after you guys were done.. did he get up and put his clothes on right away, roll over and fall asleep?" She asks

"No he-"

"He what?"

"He kissed my head and my shoulder and pulled me onto his chest" I said quietly realising how that sounded out loud

Sarah sighs
"Kiara... that boy is in love with you"

"No he's not" I laugh nervously

He couldn't be. This is jj maybank we are talking about here. The worlds biggest flirt, he doesn't just fall in love. I do have to admit though, the way he acts during and after sex is surprising to me, it's not what I expected from him at all. Not that I expected him to be selfish or bad in any way but i certainly didn't expect him to be this affectionate or loving.. its nice. It's fucking dangerous.

Sarah rolls her eyes and smiles "you are obviously in denial but whatever you say kie"
She walks away leaving me with my thoughts

I look over at jj who's laughing with the boys he catches my eye and smiles, I smile back.

What if Sarah is right?
What if I am in denial?

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now