Jealousy jealousy

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Annnnnnd there it is the reason that this whole thing was a terrible fucking idea, that feeling in the pit of my stomach when pope comes over all heart eyed telling kie he misses her and wants to hang out with her...alone. It shouldn't bother me but it does. It shouldn't make me want to lash out at my best friend but it does. Jealousy.


I stop nervously fiddling with my rings and turn to look at Kiara, I thought she might have been asleep.


"Still keen on that swim?" She asks quietly

I swallow, it's probably not a good idea..

"Lets go" i whisper despite myself

I don't mean to be moody or quiet but apparently I am because not even 5 minutes into our walk Kiara stops and looks at me "what is your problem?"

"I didn't realise I had one" I say not looking at her

"You are the one who asked me to hang out tonight, now you aren't even looking at me" she says sounding annoyed

"If you don't like it you could always go hang out with pope"

Nice one jj real subtle. I cringe.

Kiara's expression changes, I can't quite read it.

"Wait a minute you aren't.... Jealous are you?"

Yes. I fucking am.


"Oh my god you are"
is she seriously trying not to laugh?

"Shut up are we swimming or not?" I ask ignoring her giggles, pulling my shirt over my head

"Yeah let's go swimming" she smiles and takes off her shirt and her pants before reaching behind her and unclipping her bra sliding it off and dropping it on the sand

My breath catches

"kie what are you doing" I ask suddenly feeling lightheaded

"Swimming" she replies in her most innocent voice while stepping out of her panties and running into the water "aren't you coming?"
She calls back to me laughing

God she is amazing.

I take the remainder of my clothes off and jump in the water with her, we splash each other for a good five minutes or so until we call a truce.
She slowly lays down in the water floating on her back, the moonlight making her skin shine.

I'm starring
I don't care
I can't help it
She knows
I don't think she minds

"Are you just going to stay over there starring or are you going to come over here?" She looks at me and our eyes lock.

I slowly swim over to where she is still floating on her back

"You are so fucking beautiful Kiara" I breathe as my hands go to her waist, helping her stay afloat but also just needing to touch her. She smiles, searching my eyes.

"Jayj... you don't need to be jealous" she whispers, her cheeks are pink. "If I wanted to be with pope right now I would be but I'm here...with you"

I feel like if I don't kiss her right now I'm going to fucking explode.
I slowly pull her up so she's standing in the water, my hands still around her waist. She slides both of her hand up my chest unbearably slowly until they reach my neck pulling me closer our noses brush, her bare chest touches mine making me groan softly before her lips finally meet mine.

That is until a big wave comes and smacks us both in the side of the head "fucking cockblock wave" I mutter as we swim back to the shore
Kiara giggles, stands up in the now shallow water and grabs my hand "come here" she pulls me to where the sand meets water before collapsing into the sand pulling me down with her "kiss me" I don't need to be told twice.


I drag my lips away from her breasts and down her stomach slowly I dip lower until I reach my destination. I hear her breath hitch and her fingers grip my hair tightly.
After a few minutes her body tenses and she arches her back tugging on my hair
"Oh god" "fuck" "JJ" throwing her head back against the sand her chest rising and falling rapidly.

That was the hottest thing I've ever fucking witnessed.

I lay down next to her just watching her as she calms her breathing.

"Hey" I whisper as she catches my eye
She doesn't answer right away instead she surprises me by climbing on top me of
"Hey you" she whispers back before pressing her lips to my neck and reaching down between us touching me. My head falls back and my eyes flutter closed

"I need you"
i groan lifting my hips and pushing against her almost desperately.

Kiara smiles and kisses me. she shifts above me positioning herself before sinking down into me making us both moan.

I flip us over and take control this time.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now