Girl talk

731 13 3

Kiara's POV

Sarah and I spent the whole afternoon hanging out by this cute af  little waterfall, it has this beautiful Little Rock pool at the bottom that we are now paddling our feet in, sitting on the rocks.
Sarah noticed the hickey on my neck almost as soon as we got here, she didn't even seem surprised when i told her jj was the culprit

"We are just..keeping each other company nothing serious" I tell her giggling a little

"You guys are playing with fire, one of you is going to get hurt kie" she says shaking her head but smiling softly

"It's not like that, We know what we're doing" I say trying to convince both of us.

"Are you having sex?"

I look down at my hands biting back a shy smile

"I'll take that as a yes!" Sarah laughs looking fake shocked "so" she continues "details please"

I laugh nervously "well it's only happened once.. yesterday while you guys were out actually and let's just say it was good.. really good" I blush then add "let's just say all those things we heard about jj maybank from those stupid girls back at school were all true"

"Oh my god" Sarah laughs hysterically "wow kie I love that for you"

"You can't say anything, we have rules.. we technically aren't meant to tell anybody but he went and told John b sooo I'm telling you" I giggle

"Of course he did" she giggles shaking her head "what are the other rules?"

"We end it as soon as we leave this island falling in love that's it" I say casually

"Hmm goodluck with that, I've seen enough romcoms to know how this is going to end" Sarah teases

"Please this is jj we are talking about, the guy has never even had a girlfriend. Sex he knows. Love? I think I'm safe"

god I hope I'm wrong.
Where did that thought come from?

"Whatever but don't say I didn't warn you girl" Sarah giggles

"shit it's starting to get dark we should probably head back before the other get worried" she adds

I agree and we make our way back to camp to find the others cooking fish and cracking coconuts.

"Hey guys we cooked some extra fish for you" says pope handing Sarah and i some food

"Thanks pope" I smile taking the the food and sitting down next to jj in the sand close to the fire.

"Hey" his eyes scan my face 


the tension is already back, I wonder if it's noticeable.

I glance over and Sarah who is whispering something to John b making him look over at us catching my eye and quickly looking away. Sarah lets out a quiet giggle.

Jj must have noticed this because he leans in and whispers

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been bragging"
I blush

"You broke the rule first so yes I may have mentioned something to Sarah today.. I wouldn't call it bragging"

He smiles that stupid gorgeous smile of his

"come for a swim with me later" I don't even think it's a question. His eyes flickering down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

Is that code for sex or does he actually want to swim? Either way I'm not complaining.

"Yeah" I smile back holding his gaze for a few moments until I remember there are people around us and I quickly look away.

Suddenly pope comes and sits down on my other side.. too close for my liking if I'm being honest. I love pope he's one of my best friends but I've been trying for months now to show him that I just don't see him as anything more...

"I feel like we haven't talked in a while I miss you, how are you doing" he asks me smiling softly

"Uh yeah I'm doing good pope.. you?" I ask awkwardly

I feel jj stiffen uncomfortably on my other side

"I'm doing good, we should hang out, go for a walk or something..someday soon?"

"Yeah okay.. maybe" I smile trying to be friendly but not wanting to make any promises. I'm not sure exactly what his intentions are.

Pope smiles, grabs some more fish and goes over to Cleo who is asking him some questions about the outerbanks.

I look at jj who is staring into the fire, a blank look on his face. 

It's been about an hour and we are all  'sleeping' now except for jj and I who are laying awake I know this because I can see him fiddling with his rings. I don't know if he even still wants to go swimming.. he hasn't spoken to me since pope and I had that conversation earlier.

He couldn't be... jealous

could he?

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now