Secrets out

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Kiara's POV

"OOh you have to be fucking kidding me"

I hear pope yell from the camp site

I freeze, listening.

"Are you fucking her jj? ANWSER ME"


Fuck, I should probably go back up there I think as i quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and run back up to the camp.

As I approach everybody looks at me except for jj who is looking back down at his feet.

"Jokes on me I guess.. I never expected my best friend to stab me in the back" says pope glaring at jj

"Look man that was never my intention.."

"What exactly was your intention then jj? What even is this? Did you hurt her is that why she's so upset?" Pope yells

"What? no of course not! i-it's not like that.. we've been-" jj looks at me for the first time in what feels like hours

"We've been hooking up, no strings attached kind of thing" I say shrugging, I turn to pope and continue "we were arguing because i wanted to go off and fuck later and he rejected me" I say bluntly. I glance at jj is now cringing and rubbing his temple

"Now y'all know, shows over"
i glance at John b and Sarah who obviously already knew about our situation Sarah looks sad and John b is looking at jj with a confused expression

I walk over to pope and quietly add "I'm sorry but you and I haven't been a thing in a long time, you have no right to be mad at jj" he swallows and looks down before nodding slightly.

I walk back down the beach a little because I couldn't think of anything worse than being around everyone right now I'm still confused and frustrated at jj for suddenly turning cold towards me.. I thought we were getting closer I thought something was changing between us and then he goes and shuts down on me, I just don't understand. I lay down on the sand and look up at the stars.


I sigh and close my eyes I don't need to look to know who is now standing beside me

"Go away jj" I say quietly not looking at him.

He doesn't say anything he just sits down next to me instead

I finally look at him

"I'm a dick" he says his eyes meeting mine "I'm sorry kie"

"What happened" i whispered trying not to cry again

"I guess I just flipped idk.. kie it's not that I didn't want to- because I did I mean I do I always do with you i uh"

he is rambling, it's fucking adorable tbh

"What made you flip out all of a sudden then?" I ask looking him in the eyes and something in them changes

"I realised something that kinda scared me" he admits "that still scares me.. so please don't ask me what that is, not yet anyway" his eyes are soft, pleading. 

My heart is racing.  I think a tiny part of me knows exactly what he's talking about because it suddenly all makes sense now...

"Okay jayj" I reply softly

Jj plays with his rings anxiously

"I uh I'm also sorry about spilling the beans about our little arrangement thing... that wasn't very cool" he clears his throat

I laugh softly "yeah well I guess it's not a secret anymore... we should probably just stop right?" I ask searching his eyes for an answer

He moves so he's half laying now, resting on his elbow looking down at me

"Yeah...we probably should" he whispers as his hand slides over my waist setting on my hip his thumb rubbing in small circles

"J" i say in what was meant to be in a warning tone but came out in more of a whimper

"Hmm?" He drops his head to my neck and softly starts kissing

I gently pull his head back up to mine, look into his eyes and whisper "you know that thing you realised?  Me too"

He just stares at me for a few seconds I can't read his expression

And then he is crashing his lips into mine in a way he's never done before with so much passion that it takes me by surprise at first I gasp against his lips before sinking into it and letting it consume me. We pull at each other's clothes desperately this time, there is nothing slow or soft about what we are doing right now, right now we need each other we crave each other.

It was messy and rough, we were loud.. probably too loud considering we weren't very far from the camp this time. It was fucking amazing, different, so many things were said without a single coherent word being spoken. We lay there for a few minutes afterwards kissing some more, jj occasionally running his hand up and down my back

"Shit kie I didn't know you were a screamer" jj teases
I punch him in the arm blushing

"Shut the fuck up you weren't exactly quiet either"

"You think they heard us?" He asks looking back towards the camp although it's dark and we can't see anything

I just shrug cringing at the thought while putting my shirt back over my head.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now