Breaking the rules

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Maybe that was poison we were drinking last night because holy shit I feel like death right now. I squint up at the sun before rubbing my eyes and slowly sitting up. Fuck my head hurts. I'm pretty sure I fucked up and said something dumb about breaking the rules last night and I'm also pretty sure John b heard me telling kie that I wanted her... cool. I hope she's not mad at me.

Apparently the rum didn't have the same effect on John b because he is over by the water with the others laughing and looking a lot healthier than me.

Cleo notices me
"Yo sleeping beauty get your ass up and help us catch some lunch" she yells waving me over

I  pick up one of our makeshift spears from the pile and walk over to join them

"Hey" I say more awkwardly than intended as I approach Kiara on the water's edge

"How are you feeling?" She's avoiding my eyes. She's either mad or I've made her uncomfortable with what I said last night..

"I've been better" I laugh quietly before glancing over at the others to make sure they are out of earshot "look kie, I'm sorry for whatever I said last night..if I upset you or-"

She cuts me off  "you didn't upset me jj you just confused me.. what rule did you break?" She asks finally looking into my eyes.

My mouth goes dry

"I uh- I'm-"

I'm falling in love with you.

I can't tell her that
She doesn't feel the same
I'm not good enough for her
It wouldn't work anyway
Just lie
Hurry up she's waiting

"I told John b about our deal" I lie

"Oh" she looks down, I can't read her expression

"Are you mad?"

"I mean I'm not ecstatic.. but whatever"

God I'm an idiot why did I say anything.

"I'm sorry kie..he wont say anything"

"Okay" she's definitely a little mad.

"Kie-" I start

"I'm going with Sarah to check out that waterfall.. try your best not to brag while I'm gone or there won't be a deal anymore"

"Yes ma'am" I watch her walk away.

She's so perfect.

I'm completely screwed.

"Sooo" John b is watching me watch kie walk away with a smirk on his face

"Piss off man"

"Dude you've got it bad, what is going on with you two?" He laughs

Well I guess I can tell him now.. kie already thinks I've told him.

"We kind of have an.... Arrangement"

"An arrangement?" John b raises an eyebrow

"Yes John b an arrangement.." I say slowly waiting for him to catch on

"Oooh you mean.. you guys are fucking?! Dude!" He laughs looking impressed

"Once..but yeah that's kind of the idea. there are rules and shit" I continue "I'm not technically supposed to be telling anyone so keep your mouth shut.. it ends as soon as we are rescued from this island and... we can't catch feelings.

"Dude correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you are royally screwed when it comes to that last rule" I give him a look that says idk what you are talking about "I've seen the way you look at her bro" he adds smirking.

Great it's that obvious apparently.

"You don't know what your talking about man, I've got it all under control " I say wishing that statement was true.

"Whatever you say man whatever you say" laughs John b patting me on the back

He's right I'm royally screwed. I'm in love with my best friend and this friends with benefits thing is only making things so much harder.. literally. The logical side of my brain is telling me to put an end to it.. but who am I kidding? There is no way in hell that's going to happen. Now that we've started I don't think I can be the one to stop it.

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