Look what you've started

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Don't fall in love she says.

Well shit.

It was probably dumb of me to agree to the rules knowing full well I'd already broken or was in the process of breaking one of them. It was probably dumb of me to suggest to this friends with benefits thing in the first place when I know deep down that I want more than that but...what can I say she had just sucked me off and was clearly into it.. into me. I wouldn't be human if I'd turned down Kiara carera.. at least not a sane human. I hope we never get rescued from this island.  

"Helloooo jj" pope is waving a hand in front of my face, apparently I'd zoned out of the conversation we'd been having "Did you find some weed or something what's gotten into you? I may as well be talking to a brick wall" he laughed but looked kind of worried at the same time.

"Huh? Sorry man what were you saying?"

"Nothing it's all good" pope chuckles then adds "are you okay bro?"

Guilt. I feel fucking guilty now. I couldn't talk to pope about this even if I wanted to.. I'm about 90% sure that he still has feeling for kie and I am supposed to be one of his best friends.

"Y-yeah man I'm good-great sorry I was just spacing out you know me ha"

Real smooth idiot.

He seems to buy it anyway because he laughs it off and walks back to John b who's getting ready to go off and explore the island some more.

"Who's coming with us then?" Yells John b

The girls are all sunbathing on the beach. Cleo and sarah decide to go exploring but kie mutters something about being too comfortable to move

"Someone has to stay with Kiara" pope says

"I don't need a babysitter" kiara replies sounding irritated

"That's not what I-" started pope

I clear my throat "I uh was going to hang out here anyway"

"Perfect! There we go, all sorted, now let's go we are loosing daylight people!" Exclaims Sarah. They wave and head off in the direction of the bushes behind the campsite.

I walk over to where kie is laying in the sand and joint her because it honestly does look really damn comfortable

"Babysitting me now are you?" She asks rolling her eyes

She's only wearing her sports bra and underwear which isn't weird because being from the obx all the girls live in bikini's anyway.

"Maybe I just wanted to be alone with you" I say watching to see her reaction she turns from her back to her side, facing me she bites back a smile. Shit she is so beautiful.  Now I'm smiling.

"JJ it's the middle of the day in the middle of a
the beach, the others could come back at any moment"

"Mm unlikely though" I say I bring my hand to her bare hip and begin tracing circles with my finger making her breath quicken.

It's literally a matter of seconds before my lips are on hers and we are a tangle of limbs in the sand all over each other, my hand is dipping lower on her stomach until finally I slip it into her panties "jay" she moans my name into my mouth while moving her hips against my hand. Fuck..she is going to be the death of me.
After a while she half sits up and I'm very confused for about half a second until I realise she's pulling her sports bra over her head. My breath catches in my throat I forget how to breathe. shit She's


Fuck. I didn't mean to say that out loud.
She blushes.
Omg stop staring at her you dickhead
I do the first thing I think of and pull my own shirt over my head tossing it onto the ground and immediately start kissing her again
She pulls me closer.. until I'm on top of  her we fall back into the sand and then we both feel it at the same time
Skin on skin
This is new
Shit this feels good
We both moan at the contact

"JJ take off your pants"

I freeze for a second before obliging leaving just my boxers on

"Those too.." she whispers shyly

"Are you su-"

"Yes jj I'm sure"
she cuts me off and then kisses me softly. we both take our remaining cloths off and I lay above her searching her eyes for more confirmation. I soon find that when she flips us over, sits up and lowers her hips into mine.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now