They know part 2

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Kiara's POV

I think JJ is avoiding me, every time I look at him he looks away. He's been hanging around the boys a lot more lately it seems intentional..I just don't understand why.. has he suddenly changed his mind about whatever this flirty thing is we have going on? It's no secret that he thinks I'm hot he's never tried to hide that fact not even before all of this so why now when I've basically thrown myself at him is is actively avoiding me? Boys are so fucking confusing dude.

I'm sitting by the fire with Sarah and Cleo it's dark and the boys should have been back at least 10 minutes ago with the  fish they'd promised to catch for tonight's dinner.

"It was stupid of them to go to the other side of the island to fish, they're probably lost" I say rolling my eyes
"They better hurry up, I'm starving" complains Cleo
"Guys I'm sure they're fine, they shouldn't be too much longer" Sarah says but she sounds slightly anxious

Just then we heard a noise in the bushes and we all jump up to our feet nervously "the fuck was that?" I whisper yell.
Oh thank god it's just the boys.
"You scared the shit out of us what's going on? Why are you coming through the bush??" Sarah asked 
"JJ's hurt we thought cutting though the bush would be quicker than going all the way around the beach" explained pope out of breath
I look closer and realise John b and pope have an arm each around jjs shoulders helping him to walk.

"What happened" I ask worried
"It's his ankle. he thought it would be funny to do a flip off a rock in shallow water" scoffed John b
"In my defence the water looked a lot deeper than it was.." started jj sheepishly
Sarah shakes her head "Your lucky it wasn't your neck"
"Come here I'll make sure it's not broken" I gesture over to the log on the other side of the fire and extend my arm out waiting for him to take it,  for a second I think he's going to ignore me but then he takes my arm and allows me to help him over to the log.

Everyone else is distracted on the other side of the fire eating the fish that the guys successfully caught. Pope and Cleo finish theirs and are first to fall asleep. Sarah and John b are whispering together still eating.

"Don't be a pussy it's just a sprain" I say as I wrap the makeshift bandage around his swollen ankle
He's watching me and suddenly I feel insecure. I clear my throat standing up and sitting on the log next to him
"All done"
"Thanks kie"
We sit in silence for a minute or so shoulders touching "jj can I ask you something" my voice comes out slightly shaky
"Of course"
"Why have you been avoiding me?"

JJ shifts uncomfortably and runs a hand through his messy hair glancing over at Sarah and John b who are now laying down together cuddling but still awake.
"I didn't mean to avoid you kie it's just I- my head is all over the place right now I'm feeling .. things.. and i don't know what they mean and I-"
I cut him off  "it's okay" I half laugh "it's okay I get it trust me I do just.. I miss you"
His gaze softens and his eyes trace my face landing on my lips
"I miss you too" he whispers not taking his eyes off of my lips he licks his.
I can't be sure but I think he's leaning in..

Oh god I feel like I'm melting

"Hey guys whatcha doing over there?"

We jump apart and I turn to see Sarah smirking at us "n-nothing" I stutter and walk over to sit with Sarah grabbing a piece of fish on my way. John b is now fast asleep.

"Shut up we can talk tomorrow I whisper to her when she continues to stare at me with a smug look on her face.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now