What are we?

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Kiara and i sheepishly walk back up to the camp, John b, Sarah and Cleo are still outside pope is nowhere to be seen

"Where's pope?" I hear kie ask as we reach the others

"He went inside the hut to sleep" Cleo replies gesturing backwards at the hut

I catch John bs eye and he's shaking his head and smirking "what?" I ask knowing full well why

"You two all g now I take it?" He laughs looking over at Kiara

"Yeah, we made up" she replies innocently

"Oh, we heard" giggles Sarah

Yup, I thought as much. There was no way they hadn't heard us. I look back at John b who pats me on the back "nice bro" I laugh and shake my head slightly embarrassed

"Oh my god that's so embarrassing fuck my life" says Kiara cringing and covering her face with her hands

"Sounded like you were having fun girl" laughs cleo

"Can confirm she definitely was" I say smirking

"Um! okay everyone can shut up now" Kiara punches me in the arm and everyone laughs.

Finally we all decide it's time to go to sleep, I lay down in my usual spot next to kie except this time I  wrap my arms around her and pull her body close to mine 

"woah what's this?" she whisper giggles in my ear

I just snuggle even closer into her and whisper back "cold"

"It's not even cold" she teases

"Shh" I say my face pressed into her neck

She giggles again and relaxes against me, we fall asleep.

In the morning I'm the first to wake up for once, I look down at Kiara who is still wrapped in my arms and I can't help but smile. I'm not sure exactly what we are now but I'm pretty sure we've well and truly crossed the line of friends with benefits. Did she really know what I meant when I told her that I realised something last night? When she told me she realised the same thing could she truly have meant she loved me too? Because in the moment that's exactly what I heard.

I lift my hand to her face and gently tuck a stray curl behind her ear accidentally waking her

"Sorry" I whisper not really sounding sorry

Kiara smiles and covers my hand that's now resting on her neck she glances over at the others who are still sleeping before leaning over and pressing her lips to mine for a few seconds, my hands automatically going to her back pulling her against me

"hi" she whispers pulling back and looking down at me.

God she is so fucking beautiful staring at me like that with those big brown eyes

"Sup princess" I try to smirk but I'm pretty sure it looks more like a stupid love drunk grin

She giggles quietly and rolls her eyes but I don't look away "come here" I whisper pulling her back to me before kissing her, a little harder this time

"Hem hem" someone clears their throat loudly making us jump apart, sitting up

John b is looking at us half laughing half cringing
"Right here.. really?" asks looking fake disappointed

"Stop being dramatic we were just kissing" Kiara says blushing a little

"Now you guys are just kissing whenever you want? That's fucking cute" teases John b leaning on a tree and crossing his arms

Kie and i exchange a look

"Piss off man" I laugh awkwardly

John b laughs and walks away muttering something about me being pussywhipped


Pope has been ignoring me all day, understandable. I feel like a crappy friend but it's not like I did any of this to hurt him.. it just happened. I guess I should probably go and talk to him. I sigh and stand up from my spot in the sand where I was sitting and began to walk over to pope who is over by the water with John b

"Hey" I say lamely squinting slightly in the bright sun

Pope looks at me for half a second and then looks coldly out to the ocean ignoring me

"I'll uh leave you guys to it" John b mutters before walking off

I turn to pope

"Pope look man I-I'm sorry okay.. I never meant to hurt you.. i- we didn't plan any of this it kind of just happened ya know" I say

Pope is quiet for a moment before looking at me and shrugging and saying
"It doesn't matter, you'll do whatever you want anyway"

he doesn't sound mad anymore, maybe sad? Disappointed? I can't really tell

Before I can reply he adds "are you really just sleeping with her.. is that all it is?"

I swallow, I'm not going to lie to him. Not now, I can't.

"No" I say simply

"Then what is it.. what are you?"

I think for a moment, what are we? I'd love to know.

"I don't know pope" I see that he seems unsatisfied with my answer so I continue "I think there is something...changing between us"

"Are you in love with her" pope asks looking me right in the eye

Don't lie.

"Yeah..I- I'm in love with her" my eyes drop to the ground

Holy shit that's the first time I've admitted that out loud. It felt good it a completely weird way.

Pope just nods slowly and says "okay" he begins to walk back to the camp before stopping and looking back at me

"Don't fuck this up jj"

I nod at him, he nods back.
I feel like I can breathe again.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now