Truth or dare

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everyone is still sleeping as Kiara and approach the others except for Sarah who is sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She looks at us with a confused frown on her face and we look at her and all of a sudden it feels like we've just been caught fucking in the back of the Twinkie  

"What" I say a little louder than intended masking John b stir next to her

"Nothing" said Sarah quickly a small smile playing on her lips I noticed her whispering something to Kiara when she sat down next to her a few moments later.

Why can't I get her out of my damn head? Sure I've always had a bit of a thing for her.. we all have.  She's a super hot rich hippie chick slumming with us how could we not? But lately.. man I don't know it's like something has changed and I might be crazy but I think she feels it too. They way she sits so unbelievably close to me even though there is plenty of room on the log or the way she holds my gaze for a few extra moments when she catches me staring.. not to mention how she totally checked me out when I was taking my shirt off before we went swimming earlier.

Later after we had all finished our designated tasks for the day we're all sat in a circle because Cleo thought it would be fun to play truth or dare as a way for her to get to know us all a little better  and I guess to pass some time.

"Pope truth or dare" says John b


"Who's the last person you macked on"

Pope rolled his eyes "y'all already know it's Kiara"

"Not everyone knew! I'm learning something new every day" giggled Cleo

I feel a strange pang of jealousy. I look over at kie and she's looking out at the see like she's not paying any attention to the game at all. I notice Sarah looking at me looking at Kiara. 

"Okay Kiara, truth or dare?" Yells Sarah breaking the tension that she is clearly sensing

"Fuck it, dare"

Sarah smirks "I dare you to kiss JJ"  then quickly added with a giggle  "simple because he's the only boy in the group you haven't macked on yet"

Why can't I feel my face all of a sudden? Shit.  pull yourself together maybank don't be a pussy. It's just a dumb game.

Kiara rolls her eyes, stands up and slowly walks over to where I'm sitting on the sand. She looks slightly embarrassed but doesn't hesitate to swing her leg around to straddle my lap, facing me. She smiles and touches my cheek with her hand I smirk and whisper "sup"

The smirk quickly falls from my lips as her nose brushes against mine, suddenly I forget that our friends are watching us, that we are playing a game. I tilt my head forward slightly and her lips are on mine, and then her hand isn't on my face anymore it's in my hair and mine have somehow found their way to her thighs that are lying across mine. She lets her tongue graze mine for a brief moment before pulling away slowly our lips lingering on each others still slightly touching our eyes still closed..

Everyone was staring at us, that must have looked as intense as it felt.

Be cool.

"Damn That was hot" I say in my most douchbag jjish voice as kie climbs off of me and back to her spot

"Niiice" says John b and the other laugh
It worked, good.
I glance at kie who smiles shyly and looks back out at the ocean.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now