Fucked up and fell in love

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Kiara's  POV

Everyone knows about jj and I which is weird because now we don't know how to act around each other.. do we keep going with our deal even though we've broken pretty much all of the rules? There is no denying that we want to continue doing what we're doing. But now it feels like everyone is watching and judging us, I know jj has spoken to pope, apparently he's cool with it although he's definitely not thrilled about it and i can't blame him for that.

We decided to just pretend that nobody knows because sneaking around is a hell of a lot easier than having to face the fact that we are obviously more than just hooking up which our friends just love to remind us of every time they catch us having a moment. Although we do occasionally slip up and become reckless with our 'moments' in front of the others and when I say we I specifically mean jj who has more of an idgaf attitude lately

Like right now for example... it's a super hot afternoon and we are all hanging out in the water just messing around and jj is flirting with me shamelessly making sly little remarks, unnecessarily touching, poking and tickling me any chance he gets. He swims up behind me and whispers something that makes me instantly blush, I feel my whole body heat up "jj" I whisper yell pushing him away while lightly laughing

"they don't care kie" he replies, both of his hands find my hips underneath the water as he stands behind me talking into my ear

I look over at the others who are all distracted, laughing, swimming and messing around the only one who catches my eye is Sarah who flashes me a grin and goes back to splashing John b

I look back at jj who is now standing in front of me, he pulls me in and I let him kiss me for a few minutes

"I am never going to get used to that" I hear John b laugh

"At least get a damn room come on" says pope sounding annoyed but there is a small smile playing on his lips.

"That is a fantastic idea pope I might just take you up on it" smirks jj grabbing me by the hand and pulling me out of the water towards the beach "hut?"

Surprised by his boldness especially in front of pope I gape at him for a second before bursting out laughing

"Oh real subtle guys"  "smooth jj"
We heard the others yelling after us as we walk, half jog up the beach to the camp, jj doesn't let go of my hand the whole way.

Once inside the hut we lay down on the makeshift floor bed still laughing in between kisses. Why does this feel so right? So natural. I'm not even sure if we came in here to have sex because neither of us are making any moves to take things further right now we are just goofing around and enjoying being alone together.

Suddenly jj stops laughing and looks down at me smiling softly

"I fucked up kie" he whispers stroking my cheek with his thumb

My heart stops for a second what's he talking about?

"What are you talking about jayj?" I ask quietly
Searching his eyes

He pauses for a second before taking a deep breath

"I'm afraid I've broken another rule" he breathes and looks down

There is no denying it anymore and if I'm honest don't want to.

I reach up and touch his cheek gently forcing him to look back at me, my eyes questioning him needing to hear more.

He continues "The thing i realised...the reason I got all freaked out and was avoiding you, it was all because I realised that I- I"

My heart is pounding in my chest I can't take it anymore I cut him off

"I love you" I whisper, tears filling my eyes

JJ stares at me for a second before letting out a shaky breath

"That was my line" he chuckles bringing his hand to my face and wiping the single tear that just fell

I smile and run my fingers through his hair pulling him closer

"I'm so I'm love with you Kiara, you have no idea" he mutters before closing the distance between our lips, kissing me softly at first but it doesn't take long for things to get intense

"Please j" I find myself practically begging when he spends a little too long with the foreplay
He raises an eyebrow looking slightly proud of himself

"Patients princess" he smirks but when I pull at him attempting to bring him down on top of me he obliges and enters me slowly while keeping eye contact.

Random whispers of 'I love you' make this time so special.

We don't leave the hut for the rest of the afternoon.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now