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I love you
I love you
I love you

The words keeps playing over in my head.
I must have freakin died and gone to heaven that would be the only way to explain this feeling right now, laying here with kie in my arms. She knows how I feel and she actually feels the same way.. how insane is that?

We still haven't left the hut and it's getting dark, we can hear the others talking out by the campfire

"we should probably go out there huh?" Kiara mumbles into my chest dropping light kisses as she speaks

"Mmm, do we have to?" I groan pulling her in for a kiss, she smiles against my lips

"Come on, just for a bit so we don't look rude" she giggles

"Fine but we have dibs on this place tonight, we are not done here" I smirk and receive and smack on the side of my head, ouch.

We walk out of the hut and instantly everyone looks at us

"What the fuck have you guys been doing in there for 3 hours? Actually don't answer that" says John b cringing

I laugh and grab some fish from next to the fire before sitting down, Kiara goes and sits down next to Sarah and Cleo who instantly start whispering with her.

"So are you two...together now?" Pope asks with a small smile


Lots of silence

Kie and I glance at each other and awkwardly look away again

For fuck sake pope did you have to ask that question

We've said the L word.. you'd think it was obvious that we WANT to be together but we haven't had that conversation yet so I don't exactly want to assume that we automatically are.

Everyone is looking at us, waiting for an answer.
I freeze.

"We um we haven't really had that talk guys but thank you so much for that" laughs kie nervously

God i love her.

I laugh with everyone but look at my hands nervously, now all I can think about is getting her alone so I can ask her if we can be together

We all hang out for about another hour before everyone starts to simmer down Sarah gets up and starts walking towards the hut I jump up and run over to her grabbing her arm

"Woahhh there what are you doing" I ask her

"Um going to bed..?"  She sounds confused

I lowered my voice to a whisper "uh I was kinda hoping I could call dibs on the hut tonight.. kie and I should really talk"

"Your telling me you spent 3 hours in there with her today and didn't talk once?"

I shuffle my feet awkwardly before shrugging

"We talked a bit but we kinda had other things on our minds" I smirk

"Gross. Fine.. but make sure you actually talk this time" she says knowingly, I know that she knows exactly what we need to talk about.

I smile and nod "thanks"

"You owe me maybank"

she walks over and lays down next to John b by the fire

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now