Defusing the tension

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⚠️sexual content warning from this chapter onwards⚠️

my ankle is feeling better thank god. Kiara said it was sprained but I think it's probably just bruised. Last night was awkward, and right now is even more awkward I'm sitting here minding my own business eating my coconut breakfast and trying to ignore the fact that I'm obviously the hot topic of girly conversation this morning between Sarah and Kiara. They are sitting a little further down the beach chatting, occasionally giggling and glancing right. at. Me. I'm not going to lie I don't hate that she's telling sarah about me.. about us.. but I do wonder what she's saying considering I don't even know what the fuck is going on between us.

They both catch me looking at them as they glance at me for the 5th time, kie looks embarrassed and elbows Sarah in the arm, Sarah giggles and looks away.

The rest of the day goes by without any more girl talk (that I noticed anyway) thank god. We all spend the day hanging out, fishing, swimming and exploring the island a little more. I've decided I'm going to ask kie to come for a walk with me tonight when the others are asleep, she said she misses me and I'm done avoiding her I can't do it anymore, I'm not sure what I'm expecting but I don't really care right now all I know is I want to be around her.. alone.

"Let's get out of here" I tilt my head back from our sleeping positions and whisper into her hair
It's late but not as late as it usually is when we sneak off, there is probably a much higher chance of getting caught right now but Kiara doesn't seem to care, she turns to head to look at me and smiles "let's go"

Pope makes a sound in his sleep so we try to hurry away from the camp,  we start to run, laughing like idiots the whole time Kiara jumps on my back and I give her a piggy back for a while still giggling like we're high. If only. A joint would really make this the perfect night.

"Shit" I tripped over a rock on the beach and fell on my face in the sand, Kiara landing with a thud on my back.
"I don't know why I thought that was a good idea, you are the clumsiest person I know" she laughed as I flipped onto my back looking up at her laughing
"I'm not clumsy I'm just injured remember?"

"Right let's go with that" she laughed still laying on top of me her face inches from mine a stray curl falling in front of her eyes.
Our laughter dies down to silence as I reach up and slowly brush the curl behind her ear, my hand resting on her neck

We're both breathing heavily, my other hand reached around her waist softly pulling her closer against me our foreheads bump lightly and body's are flush against each other's. I bring my hand to her face and slowly trace her bottom lip with my thumb before replacing it with my lips.
Shit. This feels too fucking good. Everything about her is so soft, she's running her fingers through my hair and making little noises against my mouth. My hands have a mind of their own as they run down her back and over her ass to squeeze a little harder than I intended but she doesn't seem to mind because now she's kissing my neck and grinding her hips hard against mine "fuck" I mutter and before I can stop myself I've flipped us over and I'm kissing her hard. she's moaning and lifting her hips to meet mine as we continue grinding. She reaches down and fumbles with the zipper on my shorts before pulling them down along with my boxers and slowly wraps her hand around me "shiiit Kiara" I moan in a low voice "what are we doing?" I ask almost desperately  "defusing the tension" she whispers as she softly pushes me onto my back and starts kissing a line down my stomach lower lower lower...I throw my head back in the sand and let it happen.

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