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Kiara's POV 
I can't stop thinking about him. What's wrong with me? Jj? When did I develop feeling for jj? Woah feelings? Maybe it's just a sexual thing.. yeah maybe that's it I mean he's a very attractive guy and it's been a while for me.. he is who I'm emotionally closest with at the moment so it makes sense for me to be drawn to him in that way right?

"Ouch fucksorry" speaking or more like thinking of JJ I just walked headfirst into him.. cool.

"Shit.. no that's my bad sorry kie" we both bend down together to pick up the wood that he dropped in our fumble and we lock eyes.

Crap. Why do they have to be so blue?

Every since that stupid game of truth or dare when we kissed there has been this thick tension between us and its getting harder and harder to ignore.
His eyes flicker down to my lips and back up to my eyes again before he clears his throat loudly and stands up.

It's the middle of the night once again. I can't sleep.  jj is awake I know because he is playing with his rings, spinning them on his fingers.  The top of his head is touching mine. We've made a habit out of sleeping this way.

"I was thinking.. about that kiss" he begins
My heart rate goes up
"What about it?" I say as casually as I can master
"It was hot"
"I believe you've already said that" I whisper rolling my eyes in the dark a small smile playing on my lips
I expected him to say something smart back but instead he says
"Come for a walk?"
I don't say anything but when he reaches his hand out to pull me up, I take it.
We walk along the beach for quite a while so far I start to wonder if we will be able to find our way back to the others

"We better not go too far or we won't be able to find our way back" I half joked

"Yeah  they others would have to form a search party.. then we'd be busted for sneaking out at night together for sure" he smirked
"Yeah.. jayj?" I say suddenly serious
"Yeah kie?"
"Why are we sneaking around like this?"
"I I don't know..I guess we don't want to give them the wrong impression or whatever" he mumbles
I stopped walking and sat down in the sand he copied me.
"The wrong impression? Right because two friends can't possibly hang out together without the rest of the group" I laugh
"In the middle of the night.. making sure we don't wake anyone else up because.... we want to be alone together?" He whispered the last part so quietly it was barely audible but I heard it and now my heart is racing and just like that the air is thick with tension again. He is searching my eyes like he's looking for an answer.

I want to kiss him.

So I do.

It's not slow and timid like the first time this is different, this is raw and reckless. I throw my arms around his neck and press my mouth to his I hear him groan instantly at the contact. He pulls me onto his lap and we fall back into the sand together. His hands are everywhere.. in my hair on my hips under the back of my shirt. I can't help but push down softly against his hips his hand instantly go to my butt and squeeze oh god. We both moan into the kiss and jj breaks it "kie" he pants clearly trying to regain focus.

"Shh we don't need to talk about it" I say smiling and sitting up, slowly removing myself from my position on top of him. I know exactly what he's thinking because it's all over his face. He was enjoying himself but feeling guilty and confused about it.

He sits up still watching me, still looking confused but a soft smile is creeping onto his face
"I mean neither of us can deny there has been some.. tension between us lately " I continue quietly looking at my hands praying he knows what I'm talking about.

"Ah I see how it is, your using my body to take out all your sexual frustrations I don't blame you honestly " he says smugly purposely avoiding the part about the tension between us.
I punch him on the shoulder playfully
"Don't be an ass"
"I feel it too"
"The tension?"
"Yeah" he whispers eyes lingering on my lips
"I know" I say confidently breaking the tension a little. I stand up and start slowly walking back towards the direction of the others, i glance over my shoulder to see jj still sitting in the sand watching me walk away

"Enjoying the show are we?"
I yell with a smirk


Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now