Part 6

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Louis knew that Harry was coming back Sunday afternoon. What he didn't know was that Harry's going to call him the minute he got home. Louis was too busy to pick up. At least that's what he told Harry. He spent too much time panicking about Harry actually calling him and had to call him back later.

"So are you busy then? I feel like I own you a lunch."

Louis was smiling like a goon.

"Well, it's Sunday, you don't have to take me out to lunch."

"Are you suggesting coming to yours?" Louis could hear the way Harry's syrupy voice broke on the last word. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said it. I was trying so hard not to make it awkward these couple of weeks."

"Stop, it's okay," Louis chuckled falling on his couch. "I can take a little joke."

"Yeah, a joke."

"And you didn't say it in a place full of people," he supplied. "This time."

He couldn't tell if Harry was taking it the good way. But the man was laughing on the other end of the line.

"You can't take me anywhere, I'm an embarrassment."

"Oh, but I would take you to lunch, against all odds."

They decided to meet in the park closer to Louis' place to investigate new aria. Louis haven't actually been walking around a lot, so this was a good thing. The weather was nice, unusually so for English winter. But Louis still got a bit chilly on his way over.

"I was hoping you'd drive," the deep voice startled him from looking around the sad naked trees.

"Jesus you scared me," he grabbed his chest coming face to face with Harry.

The man was wearing his usual black coat but today he had a beany sitting on his head and a deep-blue scarf around his neck. He smiled at Louis so bright that the sun sure felt the competition.

"I'm really glad to see you," he said with a shy chuckle. "Can I..." he coughed in his fist. "Sorry, can I hug you?"

That was their new thing. They were hugging now. They also were making it weird every damn time.

"Of course, silly," Louis smiled back spreading his arms. "Bring it in."

The way Harry put one of his hands near Louis' neck and the other on his waist to pull the man closer was about to become the reason of Louis' early death.

"You smell nice," he whispered.

Scratch that. This would be the real reason.

"I don't drive by the way," Louis said the moment they separated, to not make it obvious how bright his cheeks were.

"What?" Harry arched his brow. "How come?"

"Well, I can drive, I just didn't renew my license lately. Didn't really need it."

They started moving through the park without any destination. It was a bit weird because usually they would have limited time and some idea of where to go. Now it was really peaceful and it made Louis anxious.

"Do you have a car?" Harry asked still interested.

"Oh yeah, I do," Louis smirked.

"The poor baby must be dying from rust."

"It has a nice garage that I pay for every month. It's gonna be fine."

There came a lull in their conversation. They had these sometimes, but this one was more complex somehow. Maybe because Louis had questions but he was trying not to ask them.

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