Part 17

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"So, I'll see you next week then," Ethan frowned looking at them both, Louis was trying to get Harry in his coat while Harry felt almost dead to the world. Or high on life. He wasn't sure yet. "Can't believe you're leaving already, we just got here an hour ago."

"Let them go, Honey," Niall smiled slowly, observant as ever. "Harry definitely seems sick, don't you think?"

"I think I drank too much," Harry repeated exactly what Louis told him to say. For the third time.

He was a good boy.

Every part of this room was now blurry and unimportant but Louis. And Louis' hands on his waist. And his firm voice beside Harry. He smiled at the sound.

"Did he throw up earlier?" Ethan asked. "I can call my driver."

"Don't worry, I called mine before," Louis said and it was the music to Harry's ears.

"What is he smiling about?" Niall giggled.

"He has a driver," Harry smiled broader.

"Oh my God, you're such a sugar baby."

"Sugar baby?" Louis asked.

And Harry will need to explain that later. Defiantly later.

"You're my Daddy!" he heard his own happy voice. Way too loud.

Louis was now standing next to him with big eyes. Oops.

"He'll explain it later," Niall spoke through his laughter. "Dear God, you did a number on him."

Harry saw the way Louis' cheeks got pink, and why were they getting pink from something Niall said? Harry frowned.

"We need to go," he grabbed Louis's hand tugging him to the exit.

"Yeah," Louis shook his head, "bye, guys."

"Take care!" Ethan said.

Harry was sure he heard Niall whispering in his fiancé's ear even before he finished his goodbye.

"They know exactly what happened, don't they?" Louis whispered when they made their way on the street.

"And whose fault is that?" Harry blurred out stumbling.

Louis coughed him by his hips.

"Yours," he insinuated this statement with a squeeze of Harry's bum producing a whine from the man. "Jesus, get in the car," he chuckled opening the door.

Harry fell inside not graceful at all and moaned even louder when his butt touched the seat. Louis was smirking and shaking his head when he got in himself.

"Home, John," he said with a laugh.

"Your name is John?" Harry found himself asking.

Louis turned to look at him but didn't say anything, he was still smiling.

"Yes, sir," the man behind the wheel answered.

"I'm Harry!" he grinned at the guy in the rearview mirror.

"Why are you so friendly?" Louis giggled from beside him, hugging Harry closer by his waist.

"He's going to see things, might be good to be friendly first," Harry whispered dramatically.

He loved being dramatic, it made everything so bright and colorful. Like now, Louis brought color to his life. He smiled again.

"You are the bestest," he whispered into Louis' ear.

That made the man laugh. His eyes crinkled and his teeth shined from the moving street lamps. Or they were moving. The Earth was moving!

"I can feel the Earth moving!" Harry declared to the car.

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