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(Jeremiah's Pov)

Making my way into the restaurant with my manager I smooth down and adjust my grey dress shirt and black glasses for the millionth time. A worker from the restaurant shows us to two different tables making me give Regina a confused look. "His manager and I will be here talking while you both get to know each other." My eyes widen slightly before I run to the bathroom and go to the sink grasping onto it tightly as I try and control my breathing. Taking deep calming breaths I immediately feel nervous and anxious because I'm going to be alone with a stranger who's going to be my fiancé. If the managers stayed with us then they would be able to make sure it won't be awkward. Slowly calming myself down I leave the bathroom and take a seat at the table unconsciously fidgeting. After waiting a few minutes I hear footsteps and the waiters voice pointing out my table I guessing it's my fiancé. Taking a deep breath I look up seeing a guy with dyed blonde hair and brown eyes approaching I swallowing a little nervously because he's actually really attractive. Slowly getting up as he gets closer I bow politely before introducing myself. "H... Hi I'm Jeremiah." He gives me a fake smile but bows saying simply. "I'm Sangyeon." I feel my stomach knot up able to tell he's not happy but I give a little smile and motion to the table. "Um let's take a seat." He nods and we sit down I shifting a little. "So what exactly do you do? My manager didn't really give me much information." His lips twitch up into a small actual smile and his tone turns happier. "I'm an idol in a Kpop group. We're called The Boyz." Recognition flashes in my mind I giving a silent "Oh" before nodding. "I've heard your music before from my older brother and I liked it quite a bit." He smiles a little and soon the waiter comes to get our drink and meal order I looking back at Sangyeon once the waiter leaves fidgeting a little and adjust my glasses when Sangyeon speaks up. "So my manager mentioned you're an author?" I immediately perk up and smile happily. "Yeah! I just published my first book actually. It's gotten pretty popular in America surprisingly." He hums a little before bringing up the dreaded discussion. "How do you feel about the arranged marriage situation?" I make a slight face. "I thought it was a joke when my manager brought it up then I realized she was serious and I couldn't believe it. I told her I didn't really want to get married but she promised it would only be for a year and then we'd be divorced." He slowly nods. "I didn't want it either. I still don't really want it but it's either go with it or risk mine and my groups career." I immediately frown feeling bad. "I'm sorry. I don't expect an actual relationship or anything and as soon as the year passes we'll get divorced and part ways as soon as possible." He gives a little appreciative nod and it's then that I notice my hand is resting over his I immediately blushing and quickly pull it away to rest in my lap. "Sorry." He goes to say something but the waiter comes with our drinks and food the smell making my stomach growl really loudly making me feel embarrassed. Sangyeon chuckles softly and tells me to go ahead and eat I doing so shyly. We eat in silence until we're finished I relaxing a little in my chair. "So tell me about your members." His eyes seem to turn fond as he starts telling me about each member I listening intently to him until he finishes. "And you mentioned you have an older brother?" I nod smiling. "Yeah his names Nico. He's a doctor at a hospital in our hometown. He's always been Eomma and appa's pride and joy." My smile wanes a little. "I've always been the odd one out since I'm adopted. I don't look like my parents and I'm not Asian so I always felt different about everything. Especially when I wanted to write and my parents wanted me to be a lawyer or doctor.." His expression seems to soften a little. "Well sometimes it's good to be different." My lips twitch up into a small thankful smile and our managers suddenly approach our table to tell us we need to go. I nod getting up with Sangyeon we heading outside the restaurant my manager Regina giving me a smile when I look at Sangyeon shyly. "It was nice to meet you and I hope we continue to get along. I also can't wait to meet your members." He smiles a little and goes to say something when his manager cuts him off. "You'll meet them all tomorrow. Now say goodbye Sangyeon we have to get you back." I see Sangyeon roll his eyes but he gives me a little nod. "See you tomorrow." I nod at him and watch him leave before my manager and I get in the car a driver having been assigned to us. "So you seem to like him pretty well." I give Regina a slight look. "He's nice but you didn't tell me he's being forced into this with his career on the line." She shrugs at me. "That's his manager's decision. I just handle your part of the contract." I furrow my eyebrows a little. "Contract?" She nods. "Yes I made a contract with his company that you marry him and keep your relationship in the spotlight with only good things and in return they help blast your book in every aspect possible. From getting you interviews to book signings." I stare at her in slight disbelief not knowing what to say so as soon as the car stops I immediately get out and storm off to my room where I change and climb into bed staring at the ceiling my thoughts running wild I finally crashing to sleep around three am.

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