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(Jeremiah's Pov)

Sitting in the back of the room watching as all of the guys dance I can't help but keep my attention on Sangyeon silently observing him. Once he calls an end to practice I see him make his way over to me I standing up. "The manager said we have to go on a date so we'll head to the dorm so I can shower then head out." I give a little nod and silently follow him staying a little towards the back by myself as the others chat happily. As I'm lost in thought I don't notice one of the guys moving back to my side until he speaks up. "Hi. How are you doing with the whole marriage thing?" I immediately snap out of my thoughts and turn to Jacob giving a weak smile. "I'm managing. I just feel bad that Sangyeon got stuck with me and is being forced into this." He gives me a gentle smile. "It's not your fault though. You didn't ask for this and Sangyeon knows this." I look down mumbling a little softly. "I feel like he doesn't like me very much." I feel a gentle pat on my shoulder. "He's just stressed about this whole marriage thing don't take it personally." I frown slightly but give a little nod when we hear Sangyeon call out to us. "Come on you two we can't keep holding the elevator." Jacob gives me a kind reassuring smile before rushing to the elevator I following behind him. As we get in the elevator I feel a little claustrophobic with all of the people surrounding me and immediately feel relieved when the doors open I quickly stepping out. Once I wait for everyone else to exit we head for the cars I getting in the very back of the car that's headed to Sangyeon's dorm Juyeon taking a seat beside me and he starts excitedly talking to me about my book I smiling happily answering his questions and chat with him about it. Once we stop Juyeon gives me a kind smile before getting out I following them out of the car and to the dorm I shifting a little as Sangyeon tells me to sit on the couch while he showers. I give a little nod and nervously head over to the couch taking a seat starting to fidget anxiously looking down at my hands when someone sits down beside me I looking up curiously to see Juyeon giving me a slight look of concern. "You alright hyung?" I give a little nod a small smile on my lips. "Yeah I'm fine." He raises an eyebrow at me and nods towards my hands where I'm digging my nails into my palms he gently taking them and makes me uncurl my fingers from my palm. "You're hurting yourself. What's wrong?" I sigh before looking at him a little shyly. "I'm nervous. I've never been on a date before at all. I mean I know it's not real or anything but it's still the closest thing to a date I'll ever have." Juyeon's eyes soften a little before he says softly. "You shouldn't be nervous I'm sure hyung will think of something nice to do." Still feeling nervous I turn my head when I hear footsteps approaching and my eyes widen slightly when I see Sangyeon I eyeing him a little admiring him in a pair of jeans and a T shirt that's a little form fitting along with him wearing a jacket. Swallowing I give a little smile. "Ready to go?" He nods and I get up giving Juyeon an appreciative smile mumbling softly. "Thanks for talking to me." He waves it off assuring me that he enjoyed my company making me a little shy as I go over to Sangyeon's side we heading do the door and leave the dorm. We walk in silence for awhile before I ask softly. "Where exactly are we going for this date?" He continues walking saying simply. "You'll see." I pout at that answer but continue to follow him sticking a little close to his side. Soon we reach a big set up with lots of different food stalls and everything I looking around in slight awe at the twinkling lights set up everywhere so people can see since it's getting dark and I immediately hold my stomach when it growls from all the yummy smells. I immediately blush when Sangyeon gives an amused chuckle. "Come on let's go get something to eat." I follow him trying to keep up with his strides but have a little trouble because of the crowd of people. As I try to maneuver my way through the crowd I can see Sangyeon getting farther and farther away I grumbling a little finally making it to a less crowded area and I stand there with a pout on my face. Soon I see Sangyeon coming back towards my direction I immediately feeling a little relieved that he found me. "Why didn't you tell me you were having trouble keeping up?" I immediately look a little embarrassed. "I didn't want to bother you and I thought I could keep up." He shakes his head then grabs my hand and starts leading me through the crowd I feeling my heart hammering in my chest. Soon we reach a few food stalls I looking at everything hungrily not knowing what to choose. Sangyeon chuckles and gives me a look of amusement when I turn my head to him I immediately feeling shy. "Order whatever you want." I look at him in surprise about to protest when he suddenly drags me over to one of the tents he ordering then he looks at me expectantly I observing the menu before making sure to order something not to expensive. We soon get our food and Sangyeon leads me over to a patch of grass we taking a seat and start eating silently I making a happy noise when I take a bite of my food. Sangyeon looks at me in amusement. "Is it that good?" I nod eagerly and carefully offer him some. "Try it." He blinks but leans forward and takes a bite he humming in satisfaction. "That is really good. You wanna try mine?" I blush and say quickly. "You don't have to it's your food and..." before I can finish my sentence some of his food is gently pushed into my mouth I immediately closing my mouth to chew and swallow I letting out a little happy sigh. "That's actually really good." He actually gives me a little smile and we continue to eat until we're finished then we start talking about our lives. Getting absorbed in our conversations we don't notice it starting to get really late until Sangyeon checks his phone his eyes widening. "It's past midnight. We should get back to the dorm." I nod and we get up throwing our trash away then start walking back towards the dorm. Once we reach it I shift a little before saying softly. "I had fun tonight but I should probably get back to my room." Sangyeon gives me a look raising his eyebrow. "You really think that I would let you go back to your room when it's past midnight? Besides it's really far away and I'm sure there aren't any taxi's out plus the manager took the car for the night." I immediately frown. "Then where am I going to go?" He opens the dorm door and motions me inside saying softly. "You can stay here for tonight. Let me just go get you some clothes." I immediately give him an appreciative thanks before waiting for him to come back he handing me some clothes then points out the bathroom. I quickly get dressed giggling slightly at how baggy the hoodie he gave me is I having major sweater paws. Calming myself down I exit the bathroom and head back to the living room where I see Sangyeon waiting he seeming to look me over before a small smile graces his lips making me blush slightly when he passes by me I hearing him mumbling the word "cute." I take a seat on the couch rubbing my eyes tiredly my eyes starting to droop a little when Sangyeon comes back I looking up at him and unconsciously bite my lip before making myself snap out of it I clearing my throat. "So can I have a blanket? I'll sleep on the couch." He immediately frowns at that. "I don't think you should sleep on the couch it's uncomfortable and you'll wake up with a sore back." I immediately frown at that. "Then where will I sleep?" He immediately offers up his bed to me but I shake my head stubbornly. "There's no way I'm taking your bed." He looks like he's going to argue when I speak up fidgeting anxiously. "Maybe we could share? I mean that way both of us can sleep without waking up in pain." He looks thoughtful for a minute before shrugging and gives me a little nod. "Sure let's head to bed then. But we have to be quiet because Haknyeon is probably asleep." I nod making a sign of zipping my lips then get up following him to the bedroom where I slip inside and follow Sangyeon over to a bed. Feeling butterflies in my stomach I blush slightly as we both climb into bed after I put my glasses aside I trying to keep away from him as much as possible so we won't be touching and make it awkward. It's quiet between us for awhile before I slowly relax enough to doze off.

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