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(Jeremiah's Pov)

Getting out of the car as soon as possible I know I probably left Sangyeon confused but I ignore it for now heading to my manager. She looks me over before telling me that I need to get ready for the interview she quickly leading me inside the building. I follow her silently to a dressing room and I'm then grabbed and dragged over to a chair where my hair and makeup is immediately done. Once they stylists are finished I get up and head back to my manager. "So what all am I talking about today?" She hums as she's scrolling through her phone. "You're discussing your book and the characters and everything along with what your motivation was. And we set up a question where they'll ask you about your love life and you just say that you're happy to just have someone special in your life." I nod in understanding then immediately feel nervous when my names called to the stage I heading out silently. As the interview goes by I answer all the questions making sure to say things that are approved and soon it's over with I thanking the interviewer before I get up and head backstage feeling relieved that it's over with. Making my way back to the dressing room I head over to Ms Regina who looks up from her phone before putting it away. "Let's head back to the hotel we need to discuss some things with you and Sangyeon." I give a little nod following her out to a car and stare out the window silently until we get to the hotel I getting out and lead Ms Regina up to the penthouse. I open the door and lead the woman inside before looking at her curiously. "When is Sangyeon and his manager coming?" She checks her phone before responding simply. "They're on their way." I nod and go to take a seat on the couch until ten minutes later there's a knock on the door I going to get up but Ms Regina beats me heading for the door. I hear murmurs for a little until the door closes and I hear footsteps approaching before I see Sangyeon walk around the couch he taking a seat beside me while the two managers take seats in front of us. "So we decided that tonight you're both going to release a picture and statement on social media about you two having been dating for awhile and how happy you are with each other." I try not to frown Sangyeon speaking up. "Are you sure this is really a good idea? What if we lose more fans instead of gaining them?" His manager gives him a dark look. "You're both going through with this and that's final. Now come up with a picture then make that post. We'll leave you to it." Our managers leave and I look at him with a sigh. "What exactly are we going to do?" He shakes his head a little looking annoyed. "I don't know but let's get this over with." He pulls his phone out pulling up the camera then looks at me expectantly I giving a confused look making him chuckle. "You need to move closer." I blush but cautiously move a little closer only to squeak when he gently pulls me flush against his side he then wrapping an arm around my shoulders making me blush. He carefully gets the camera situated so it shows both of us and I decide to lay my head on his shoulder he seeming to silently catch on because he rests his head on top of mine then quickly takes the picture. We sit back up and Sangyeon pulls up the picture it kind of cute but doesn't really scream couple. "Maybe we should take a second one." He nods in agreement before putting the camera back on I getting an idea and make a split second decision as he's about to press the button I turning my head and quickly kiss his cheek just as the camera goes off I pulling away as soon as the picture is taken. He turns his head and looks at me in surprise I immediately giving a shy apologetic look. "Sorry I just randomly got the idea. I know I should have asked first." He gives a small smile. "It's okay. Let's look at how it turned out." I nod and he pulls the picture up it showing Sangyeon giving a little smile while I'm kissing his cheek. He lets out a little hum. "It's a lot better than the last one." I nod in agreement and pull my phone out. "Send it to me so I can make a statement on my page." He nods and gets my number before he sends it I immediately saving it then we both pull up our social media accounts like Twitter and Instagram then post the pictures while making statements about how we've been together for awhile. Once we're finished our social media accounts immediately blow up with multiple responses I looking at Sangyeon nervously before we start going through some of the responses we surprisingly getting a lot of support. I put my phone aside and rub my eyes tiredly Sangyeon immediately seeing and gets up. "I should probably go so you can rest." I look up at him with a frown. "But didn't your manager leave? How are you going to get back to the dorm?" He frowns at that and I give him a little smile. "You can stay here for the night. I have an extra room." He seems to relax and nods giving me an appreciative thank you. I nod and get up motioning for him to follow me he doing so curiously as I lead him to my room. I then dig through my suitcase before pulling out a shirt and basketball shorts then hand them over to Sangyeon he taking them looking curious. "They're clothes I stole from my brother they should fit you." He nods and I tell him where the bathroom is before wishing him a goodnight he leaving my room and I quickly close the door getting dressed then climb into bed and curl up slowly falling asleep.

Keeper (a Lee Sangyeon x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now