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(Jeremiah's Pov)

Slowly waking up the next morning I grimace slightly at the pounding in my head and the nausea I feel. As I slowly open my eyes I tense when I notice I'm laying on a firm chest only relaxing when I notice Sangyeon he fast asleep. A little confused about what exactly happened last night the only thing I remembering is multiple shots of soju and talking to Mike about Sangyeon and that waitress. Snapping out of it I try to get up only to notice the arms wrapped around my waist they securely holding me against Sangyeon. Blushing I swallow and try to wiggle out of his grasp finally managing to do so without waking him and I quickly climb out of bed putting on my glasses and some pants then head to the bathroom I needing to get the nasty taste of alcohol out of my mouth. After brushing my teeth I head out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen where I see Mike cooking my nose immediately wrinkling in distaste at the scent of eggs. "Oh good morning Miah. How are you feeling?" I make a face. "I feel like someone's hammering my skull and I'm really nauseous." He hums handing me a bottle of water and some painkillers then goes back to cooking I quickly taking the medicine. "So how was your night with lover boy?" I choke on my water and give him a wide eyed look my face bright red from embarrassment. "We just slept that's all." He frowns saying in a partially teasing tone. "Boo you two need to get your act together and kiss or something." I give him a slight look. "Mikey he's straight. He told me this when we first started the marriage arrangement." His frown deepens. "He doesn't act like he's straight around you. I think he might be you sexual." I give him a little glare. "Don't try and get my hopes up." He goes to say something but shuts up when I give him a deadly warning look then I grab my phone from off the counter going through my messages I seeing a message from my manager saying that Sangyeon and I have an appointment with a wedding planner this afternoon I letting out a sigh. Mike raises an eyebrow at me tilting his head. "What?" I sigh running a hand through my hair and adjust my glasses. "I feel guilty that Sangyeon got stuck in a marriage with me when he's obviously straight. I don't think it's fair to make him pretend to be gay and have feelings when he obviously doesn't like me." He raises an eyebrow at me giving me a weird look. "Dude it's obvious he at least has some feelings for you because he lets you cuddle him and be really handsy and affectionate." I shake my head and turn away from him. "I'm going to go wake him up and tell him about the appointment." I quickly rush off and head back to my room going over to Sangyeon and gently shake his shoulder. "Sangyeon wake up." He hums his eyes closed before he grabs me around the waist and pulls me down beside him so we're spooning he burying his face in my neck I blushing bright red. "Sangyeon!" He groans and mumbles against my neck sleepily I feeling his hot breath against my skin making my body feel heated. "Hmm just go back to sleep." I swallow and start to squirm a little. "Sangyeon we need to get up we have an appointment at one." He slowly loosens his grip around my waist and I carefully turn around so I'm facing him poking his cheek. "Come on wake up." He has an eye open looking at me before opening his other eye he giving me a concerned look his morning voice making a shiver run down my spine. "How are you feeling?" I blush but say reassuringly. "I'm fine I took some painkillers for a headache and feel better." He nods then looks curious. "You said we have an appointment?" I nod saying softly. "Yeah we have an appointment with a wedding planner." He blinks before nodding and sits up stretching I unconsciously eyeing him but quickly look away before he notices. Swallowing I get out of bed stretching myself. "We should probably get ready to go." He nods and gets out of bed. "Can we stop by the dorm so I can change?" I nod and grab some clothes quickly going to get dressed then follow Sangyeon down to the car after telling Mike goodbye.

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