Ch 19

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It's a month before the wedding and I'm being forced to meet up with a designer to make me a special suit to wear. Sighing I reluctantly leave the hotel and get in the car I a little surprised when I see Jacob in the drivers seat along with Chanhee, Changmin, Sunwoo and Eric poking their heads out of the back windows. I blink a little in confusion Jacob giving me a kind smile once I get in the passenger seat. "We know you don't really have any of your family here to do a lot of the wedding stuff with so we're going to go with you to help pick out a suit and everything." I give them a small appreciative smile and Jacob starts driving off. "Thanks you guys I really appreciate this." The younger members start getting excited the closer we get to the shop I letting out a little sigh. "I don't see why I can't just wear a simple regular suit." Chanhee gives me a look like I'm crazy. "It's your wedding day you need to at least wear something special." I pout a little but don't argue and get out of the car when we reach the wedding boutique we heading inside where a woman cheerfully greets us. "Hello I'm Erin! Now which one of you is the groom?" I hold my hand up a little shyly and she smiles. "Good let's get started and see if anything catches your eye." I give a little nod and soon everyone spreads out to the mens section looking at the different tuxes they have. I shift a little as Erin and some of the guys pick out a few tuxes for me I being lead to a dressing room. The first few I try on are absolutely hideous until I find something that I actually like. I bite my lip as I put it on anxious to see what I look like but before I can look Erin leads me out to the others their cheerful laughs and yelling coming to a complete stop when I walk out. I bite my lip anxious from the silence before Erin turns me around I staring at my reflection in the large mirror wide eyed. The full white suit hugs my frame perfectly the little flower pattern making my red hair and blue eyes stand out but not in a bad way. My skin actually doesn't look sickly pale from the white and I slowly turn to the others nervously. "What do you guys think?" It's quiet before Chanhee speaks up eagerly. "That's definitely the perfect suit for your big day." I look at the others and they give me bright smiles nodding Jacob saying cheerfully. "You look great Jeremiah. Sangyeon hyung is going to have his socks knocked off." I blush and start adjusting my glasses. "I'm thinking about wearing contacts for the wedding." They all give each other looks before Eric speaks up protectively. "Hyung says that the contacts irritate your eyes. It's better to be comfortable instead of causing yourself problems and misery." I blink a little before smiling and give a little nod. "That's true." I then look at Erin happily. "I'll take the suit please." She grins happily and nods then leads me back to the dressing room so I can change back into my street clothes. Once I'm changed and Erin gives me the date to pick up the suit I start to head back to the others when a really pretty girl stops me. "Excuse me but aren't you the guy marrying the leader of The Boyz?" I blink and give a little nod. "Yeah that's me. How can I help you?" She immediately gives an evil smile and starts hissing at me harshly. "You don't deserve him. Why is he marrying an ugly fag like you when he could have any girl he wants? Honestly you're better off leaving him so maybe he'll actually be happy." I flinch from her harsh words and go to say something when she says in a nasty tone. "You're just a pathetic writer and Sangyeon oppa probably doesn't even like you.." I feel tears well up in my eyes and I quickly bypass the girl and run out of the boutique crying i running away blindly I taking my glasses off for a moment to wipe my eyes not noticing that I ran straight out into a crosswalk with the non crossing sign flashing. Sniffling I put my glasses back on only to immediately freeze when I see a car heading straight for me I closing my eyes and brace for the impact only to feel myself be tackled to the ground I wincing when my head slams against the pavement I barely able to make out a worried looking Jacob and hear a car door slam open before everything goes black.

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