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(Jeremiah's Pov)

Answering the phone call I watch with a frown as Sangyeon leaves the room. "Hello? Earth to Jeremiah? You there?" Snapping out of my thoughts I immediately grimace when I see I answered a FaceTime call. "Yeah I'm here. What do you want?" He pouts and lets out a huff. "What I can't call my baby brother?" I go to say something when his eyes narrow. "Wait where are you? It doesn't look like your hotel room." I blush and give him a look. "I'm at Sangyeon's dorm. We WERE watching a movie until you called." He's quiet for a minute before he grins and wiggles his eyebrows. "Ooo date night." I blush even more and groan snapping a little. "Nico! Is there a reason you called because there's something Sangyeon and I really need to discuss." He blinks at my tone since I usually never raise my voice. "I interrupted something didn't I?" I give a little nod. "Yes you did." He hums before giving me a smirk. "Alright well I'll let you go. And just so you know I fully encourage you to have fun if you know what I mean." I blush bright red and say quickly. "Alright talk to you again sometime soon Nico bye!" I hang up and fan my face trying to calm myself down before I get up and head to Sangyeon's room I taking a breath before I knock on the door. I don't hear anything so I knock again and turn the doorknob peeking my head in. "Sangyeon? Can we talk?" I see him sitting on the bed his back to me and I move closer gently putting my hand on his shoulder. "Hey. What's wrong?" He groans in frustration then looks at me. "What's wrong is every time we're alone together something or someone comes along and ruins everything." I immediately feel a little bad. "I'm sorry about tonight I wasn't expecting that call." His expression softens a little and he gets up gently taking my hands in his. "I'm not blaming you. I'm just a little frustrated." I slowly nod and he gives me a little smile. "I actually have something for you. I was meaning to give it to you on your birthday but didn't get the chance." I blink as he turns and grabs something from his dresser before he hands me a wrapped box. "You didn't have to get me anything." He waves me off and tells me to open it he looking nervous as I pull off the wrapping paper and slowly open the box my eyes widening when I see a silver necklace with a small crescent moon pendant handing on the end. "Sangyeon it's amazing. I love it!" He looks a little relieved and I smile at him gently taking it out of the box. "Will you help me put it on?" He nods and I gently hand him the necklace before turning around. He gently puts it on me I immediately turning around once he has it clasped I pausing when I see how close we are. Swallowing I look up our eyes locking and I immediately feel butterflies in my stomach as he leans down capturing my lips in a soft kiss. I immediately kiss back moving as close as possible and gently tangle a hand in his hair while my other hand rests on his chest the kiss soft and sweet. He holds me close against him and eventually we part to catch our breaths I immediately giving a shy smile as he grins down at me. "I've been wanting to do that for awhile." I blush and smile leaning up to give him a quick peck then pull away feeling tired. His expression softens and he gently tugs me over to his bed. "Let's get some rest." I give a little nod and we climb into the bed I immediately snuggling into him and slowly fall asleep with my head on his chest.

Keeper (a Lee Sangyeon x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now