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(Jeremiah's Pov)

Waking up with a start when something firm lands on my bed my eyes immediately go to the culprit I glaring at my best friend in annoyance. "Did you have to scare me awake?" Mike chuckles giving me a wide smile while handing me my glasses. "Yes because you wouldn't wake up. Happy birthday Miah." I put my glasses on and blink before making a slight face. "Thanks Mikey." He rolls his eyes then shoves a bag at me bouncing on the bed in excitement. "Open it! Open it!" I chuckle softly and take the bag pulling the tissue paper out looking curious then pull out an outfit consisting of a black t shirt and leather pants. I look at Mike in slight confusion and he just grins at me. "I thought you could wear it tonight when we go to get dinner." My lips twitch up into a little smile and I look down at the outfit a little shyly. "It is really nice." He smiles happily at me. "And it'll look amazing on you." I look a little sheepish. "I don't know about that." He goes to say something when I change the subject. "How about we order room service and hang out until dinner time?" He grins and nods getting off the bed telling me he'll order and runs off I shaking my head in amusement before I set the new outfit aside then climb out of bed grabbing my phone to check my messages only to see a message from my manager wishing me happy birthday. Frowning slightly I don't see the usual good morning message from Sangyeon but decide to ignore it figuring he either might not be awake yet or he's got a busy schedule. Heading to the living room area I see Mike already sitting on the couch with a movie pulled up I sitting beside him silently. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door and Mike gets up going to answer it and comes back with two bowls of food he handing me one before taking a seat again. We happily relax and watch the movie together while eating just spending the day together until it starts getting late I unconsciously looking at my phone with a slight frown having not gotten any messages from Sangyeon all day. Before I can sulk Mike grabs my arm and starts dragging me to my room. "Let's get ready and go out to dinner." I blink when he shoves the new outfit at me but I go to the bathroom and start getting ready. Once I get the outfit on I stare at my reflection feeling a little self conscious about the tight outfit. Taking a deep breath I walk out of the bathroom getting Mike's attention. His eyes widen slightly and I shift a little anxiously pushing my glasses up my nose. "Does it look bad?" He suddenly grins and says excitedly. "Look bad? Dude you look hot as hell! Come on and let me do some makeup for you and you'll be irresistible." I blush as he drags me over to a seat and he goes to grab his makeup supplies. Once he gets back to me he takes my glasses and has me close my eyes as he starts. I sit there silently as he does my makeup until he tells me he's done I opening my eyes and he hands me my glasses I putting them on and then get up going to the bathroom to look my eyes widening slightly when I see the dark eyeliner around my eyes and the light lipgloss on my lips. I smile a little appreciative that Mike didn't do to much makeup I leaving the bathroom and grin at Mike. "I actually feel attractive for once." His expression softens a little. "You've always been attractive bud. Now let's go." Before I can question where exactly we're going I'm being dragged out of the room and out of the hotel. I'm then dragged down the street to an establishment I can't see the name of Mike dragging me inside before a woman greets us and starts leading us towards the back. Feeling completely and utterly confused I follow Mike we entering a dark room I looking at him weird. "What's going on?" Just as I say that the lights come on and all the members of the Boyz yell out "Happy Birthday!" I gape in shock before a shy smile graces my face I saying appreciatively. "Thank you guys I wasn't expecting this at all." Jacob skips over to me grinning. "Thank Sangyeon hyung. He's the one who put this all together." I look over at the man a little surprised then smile appreciatively he giving me a little smile back before clearing his throat. "Alright let's get started." He motions me over I walking over curiously when he hands me a microphone smiling. "Since it's your birthday you can sing first." I blink taking it then look over at Mike with a smile. "Mike come help me sing!" He skips over to my side grabbing a second microphone before we give each other a look communicating silently then Mike asks for the song we want. I go to take my position Mike standing beside me as the song Best Friend by Saweetie and Doja Cat starts playing. We both put our all into the song having fun and doing little dance moves along with it. Once the song ends I can't help but to giggle when the guys cheer Mike giving me a hug before we get off the stage I heading over to Sangyeon with a smile. He gives me a little smile back as I stop at his side. "That was actually really impressive I didn't know you could rap." I shrug a little shyly. "I don't think I'm that good and it's just a for fun thing I do." We take a seat and watch as the others take their turns with karaoke I smiling happily when suddenly the woman who lead us to the room comes in carrying a bunch of soju bottles she setting them down on a table and I look at Sangyeon curiously. "Mike mentioned you wanted a night of singing with a few drinks." I blink then smile a little the girl handing out drinks to those who ask when she approaches us she handing me a drink but immediately starts flirting with Sangyeon I feeling a slight feeling of jealousy fill me but don't say anything. I watch as they chat and the girl laughs I getting up then walk over to Jacob and Kevin instead. "Whoa what's with the face? You look like someone who lost their favorite toy." Jacob gently smacks Kevin's shoulder I grabbing a shot of Soju and immediately down it before mumbling my tone coming out annoyed. "The waitress is deciding to hang around and flirt instead of going to do her job." Jacob looks past me before he gives me a sympathetic look I downing two more shots of Soju. "You really like him don't you?" I don't comment instead I take another shot Jacob and Kevin giving me worried looks. "Maybe you should slow down on the shots we still have to cut the cake." I frown slightly before shrugging. "Then let's do it now." Jacob nods before getting up leading me over to the large beautiful cake and gets everyone to surround me they lighting the candles and start singing me happy birthday a little smile on my face. I blow the candles out and Juyeon starts cutting pieces and handing them out I taking a slice happily before going over to Mike taking a seat beside him. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and nods towards Sangyeon. "Why aren't you with lover boy?" My cheeks tint pink and I give him a dirty look. "What I can't spend time with others on my birthday?" He shrugs as I finish my cake setting the plate aside then immediately grab another two shots of Soju Mike giving me a worried look. "Are you alright?" I give him a smile trying to sound reassuring. "I'm fine." He raises an eyebrow and nods towards the next shot I poured. "You usually don't drink very much." I shrug and down a few more shots when they finally kick in all at once I looking at Mike with a big grin my words slurring. "Mikey you're the best you know that right?" He chuckles softly and gently pets my hair in a platonic loving manner. "Yes I know. How about we get you to the hotel? Let me go get Sangyeon." I immediately wrinkle my nose and say stubbornly. "No! I don't want him." Mike frowns at me a little asking gently. "Why not?" I grumble and pout. "He likes the waitress better." Mike blinks before he tells me to stay put before he leaves.

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