Chapter 2: Contact

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In the sea far from 3 civilized area there's one continent. The continent named Rodenius, its a home of 3 country Louria, Quila and Qua toyne

The Kingdom of Louria is a human supremacist group that seeks to eradicate all demihumans on the continent, causing tensions to rise between all three countries

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The Kingdom of Louria is a human supremacist group that seeks to eradicate all demihumans on the continent, causing tensions to rise between all three countries. It only a matter of time before the tension is plunge into war.

Location: Maihark, Qua toyne principality, Rodenius
17th August, 1632, 2:11 PM

"Sir, Tanaka! Sir!"

The assistant run up to his room, out of breath.

"What is it, Donier it should be important, you're using this much energy" Said Tanaka drinking his water.

"Yes sir, The Lourian! They are building up troops on Quila and our border! There's possibility that they will attack fort of Gim!" Donier report.

Tanaka spit the water he was drinking out.


"Yes, sir.." Donier replied.

'Shit' thought Tanaka "Send our troop to reinforce those border tell our allied Quila to be aware too. send everything we have to fort of Gim!"

"But sir-"

Donier response was cut short by Tanaka' words.

"Do i need to repeat myself!?"

"No sir!" Donier said and run off 'Damn, Those Lourian' thought Tanaka.

A fleet of ships flying red and white stripes flags with a blue square and fifty stars is traveling across the middle of the Rodenius Seas on a diplomatic mission to a nearby continent.

"Man, This planet is really big although from a map it look like we're very close but it's still far" said one of the crew

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"Man, This planet is really big although from a map it look like we're very close but it's still far" said one of the crew.

"Yeah, true" another crew replied.

"Is that a sailboat, it's look like it come straight out from those pirate movies" said the navigator.

"Everyone be prepared, Wooden sailboat at 2 o'clock, it might be a pirate" Admiral issued an order.

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