Chapter 13: Looming danger

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After the captured of Lesberg, Mu begin to saw Gra Valkas empire as a great threat to their nation. Mu started to set up defense around their border, setting up railway gun and so on, they also warned Soviet union about the danger of Gra Valkas.

Location: Ragna, Gra Valkas empire, Western continent
22nd August, 1632, 10:40 AM

A big city full of life, car running around, tall tower everywhere. This is the capital city of Gra Valkas empire. It resemble city of Tokyo back on Earth but has more western look to it. In a military headquarters of Gra Valkas, two mens were talking.

"So this is the news from the local? About a nation rising in the east?" Junto said.

"Yes sir, this so called 'United States of America' annexed Kingdom of Louria from what i heard from the locals" Niji replied.

"Well, do we know what they're capable of?" Junto asked.

"Apparently from what our spy gathered, their designs philosophy seem to be very close to Kain, this is the picture of their Aircraft carrier"

Niji handed Junto a picture of USS Enterprise.

"They seem to be very advanced. What more did we gathered?" Junto asked once more.

"They only has couple of thousands of aircraft which greatly undernumbered compared to what we have and for their ground force, we don't have any confirmed numbers but we estimated them to have around 200,000 personnels there might be more in reserved but they're still relatively small forces. Their navy consisted of around 100 ships. This is a estimate numbers, it can be changed over time" Niji answered.

"Hah, so they're nothing but a electric fences in our ways, soon the world will be our to hold!" Junto exclaimed loudly.

"The only thing we need to concerned about is the self proclaimed 'strongest country' the Holy Milishial empire. now, what is the situation in Leifor?"

"The situation in Leifor.. the Grade Atlastar has been bombarding Palupom since yesterday, we expected to conquered Leifor entirely next weeks"

"Good, these natives, they're nothing" Junto mumbled.

Location: Amanoki, Kingdom of Fenn, outside 3rd Civilized area
22nd August, 1632, 10:40 AM

Location: Amanoki, Kingdom of Fenn, outside 3rd Civilized area22nd August, 1632, 10:40 AM

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A town or city, be it a culture. The Kingdom of Fenn resembled Japan in Bushido era in every ways, the age of Samurai and so on, the Kingdom of Fenn has been under pressured by Parpaldia empire recently. In a palace of Sword king Shihan, a 'meeting' between Parpaldian official and Fenn is taking place. A man in Napoleonic era uniform step in Shihan's room and start speaking.

"Sword king Shihan, this is the last time we will propose an offer to you. Submit to our empire, we do not want to utilize military forces"

Fran said, with slightly irritated tone. Sword king Shihan think for a little bit and speak up

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