Chapter 29: Eagle claws

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Location: Sky over Grimil's territory, Parpaldia empire, Third Civilized Area
29th August, 1632, 2:18 PM

It was the same routine, patrolling the skies of their nation. Like a bird they sore through the cloud with an aircrafts. More than 4 squadron is patrolling the skies it was such a large numbers that it isn't even for patrol but rather a full scales bombing run. On the ground is a total mobolization of the army, this is going to be a big war.

And all over there in the south at Rodenius continent, F-4 Phantom II is taking off of the runways. Flying the flags of Rodenius and head straight toward Philade continent.

"Off to Civilized area, conducting flying test. Weapon prepared"

"Roger, weapon free"

America and her allies have everything to win the wars instantly by assassinating Emperor Ludius or firebombing Esthirant, but that would prolonged it further as the noble and citizen will not give up so easily, it like operation downfall which include invasion of Japanese mainland that estimated to result in millions of death. But it was swept down as President Harry S. Truman called for the usage of nuclear bomb.

It gonna be the quickest and greatest strategical victory but it would not goes in a favor of America in a long term and most importantly the hostage in Esthirant that is in need of rescue. By far Parpaldia empire have nothing to counter American weaponry except those Ancient tools in their arsenals. 7 F-4 Phantom II is now over Philade airspace and land at American airbase for a refuel. While at the airbase they heard something about an operation in which to completely take control over airspace of Parpaldia though the steps was not told.

While Rodenian pilot is still skeptical about it, knowing American capabilities then they could make it possible in some ways or another. Parpaldian airforce literally outnumbered them 300:1, that's an impossible odds even with technological superiority.

"Parpy aircraft in our air space! They heading from Bilshix hills!"

Everyone in the air base scramble and begin an intercepting operation, along side Rodenian pilots in F-4 Phantom II among all the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Falcon.

"Follow us new guys, we'll show you how to fly this thing correctly"

"Roger!" Rodenius squadron leader, an elf replied.

They take off from the runways and toward the targets. The enemies is a Bi-plane, doesn't seem hard to take down but in fact it was pain in the ass for the fighter jet as they have to worry about the speed plus the missile will also have trouble locking on a plane made of wood and clothes. Their goal is only to drive them off.

"Got visual on the bogeys" F-16 pilots said

"I don't see anything.." Rodenian pilot replies

"Look at your radar new guys, we don't even need eyes to eyes contact with them"

"Gallop-2, squadron sized bogeys on your 9. They're rapidly closing in"


Gallop-2 then lead his unit toward the enemies.

"That's left another 3 squadron for us"

"Let's see who can score the most here" one of the F-15 pilots said before letting of a laugh.

"Even though we are just intercepting, i felt like doing an airstrike on their base. Less problem for us"

"That wasn't in the order, man. Better not get it too far"

"Alright Ping-5 get the squadron on your one. We will take the rest"

6 F-16 and break from the formation and head toward north east.

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