Chapter 7: Superpower

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Location: Leiforia, Leifor, 2nd civilized area
18th August, 1632, 4:32 PM

Many old school warships may be spotted in the bay of Leiforia, including a La-Louiseinia class Dreadnought, which was developed after Mu's famed La-Kasami Dreadnought but with improved anti-aircraft and targeting systems. As a result, it became one of the world's most powerful warships, ranking among the top ten.

The Western and Balkan sea fleets were tasked with defending the shores of Leifor from the invading Gra Valkans. The Leiforian navy is quite similar to the Austria-Hungarian navy from World War I, although much larger in size. The line of Leiforian ships stretches out in all directions.

"What do you think about the Gra Valkan's navy?" Admiral Koffen asked Captain George

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"What do you think about the Gra Valkan's navy?" Admiral Koffen asked Captain George.

"I honestly don't know, we haven't seen their fleet yet" 

Admiral Koffen let out a laugh.

"Hah, you're right Captain but I'm sure those Gra Valkans can't do anything to our most advanced fleet anyway"

Captain sighed as he looked out the bridge, only to see the crew working diligently and with excellent morale. They are all laughing and joking about the upcoming battle.

"You know, Admiral. This is kind of worrying me a bit, the Gra Valkans managed to take out Paganda in matter of hours, that is something we couldn't do"

Admiral walk to his side and pat his shoulder.

"You're worrying too much Captain. I can assured your safety with this powerful fleet"

The Admiral then walked away.

"A ship! Assumed to be that of a Gra Valkan, are coming toward our location at the speed.. Oh god, they're coming at the speed of 32 knots!"

"32 knots!? They're faster than La-Louiseinia by 8 knots!? How many ship are there!?"

"Uh.. one..! There is only one ship sir!"

This response rocked Captain and everyone on the bridge. Captain George reflected over Gra Valkan's obvious suicide attempt before questioning the operator about critical information.

"How fast will they reach our location?"

"In 6 minutes sir, they will reach us in 6 minutes and will be in our guns range in 4 minutes" the operator answer. Captain then turned and grab to the magi-comm.


The captain shouted into the radio. The alarms sounded throughout the ship. The crews dropped everything they were doing and went to their station to prepare for combat. The horn of La-Louiseinia roars loudly as smoke spills out of the tube, and the turbine engine runs furiously as it attempts to accelerate the ship.

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