Chapter 9: Liberation & Downfalls

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Location: Gim, Qua-Toyne Principality, Rodenius
19th August, 1632, 10:00 PM

The Lourians had a quiet night because they didn't anticipate an American attack at night since not even a superpowers would be crazy enough to do that. However, an unexpected event occurred, causing the wall at Fort Gim to blow up.

"What in the world? Did the powder explode?!"

"It's the Qua-Toynian!" The troops who were still alive on the wall yelled.

The gate is shattered, and the Lourian easily break without the chain of command. American soldiers started to enter. Steen, a recruit who joined the Lourian army five months earlier with the hope of experiencing tremendous adventure while serving his great country, is now forced to run away like a coward. He can feel his heart racing as he grips his musket, and he is unsure what to do because if he ran now, he would be drop dead on the floors.

Although he was against genocide idea, he couldn't do anything about it since if he voiced his opinion, he would be charged with treason. Steen repeatedly muttered.

"I don't want to die.."

A tank shell destroyed the house next door. Now he is under pressure because he didn't know who had broken down the door of the house he was in.

Then foot steps walking on the first floor, a some kind of objects was thrown into his room then a flashes of light and people shouting.

"Drop your weapon down and get on the floor!"

He complies with their requests, and the following morning, when he awakens in some sort of vehicle, he recognizes himself once more. He ask himself.

"Where am I?" said Steen.

"Recruit, you're in a truck. We lost Gim"

Lourian soldier infront of him stated, as the other soldier looked out of the vehicle to see people in strange uniforms pursuing the surviving Lourian soldiers. He chuckled nervously, lamenting the frailty of his country.

Location: Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria, Rodenius
20th August, 1632, 7:22 AM

Officials from Lourian were holding an urgent meeting to discuss the loss of Gim. King Hark arrived and everyone sat down. He then brought out a parchment and read the contents.

"The morning of August 20th, 1632. At at 4:21 AM, Gim were captured prisoner by a country that is thought to be the United States of America. All of the soldiers still present in Gim were taken prisoner"

When he placed the paper down, the official spines began to quiver.

"Do you understand what this means?" remarked King Hark.

The official nodded, one of the officials shook his head, and then he was abruptly pulled from the meeting room. Many government officials became terrified for their families' safety and their own safety as a result.

"Anyone else have any questions?" He spoke. The room was silent.

"All right, let's move on." The discussion of how to repel the American and Qua-Toynian continues throughout the conference.

Location: Washington D.C, United States of America, North America
20th August, 1632, 7:23 AM

A discussion regarding the war with Lourian is happening in the Pentagon.

"Sir, we shouldn't drag this war any longer as it will cost a lot more life. I propose we should commence air raid on their city and finish it quickly" Department of States proposed.

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