Chapter 43: New beginnings

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Location: 3rd Civilized area
25th September, 1632, 10:00 AM

After American troops withdraw from Parpaldia, a bunch of small faction and such pop up tp regain superiority among each other and with the dealing with United States some of the notable official become leader of new Parpaldia, which Kaios became the new prime minister of Parpaldia. He would be force to pay compensation to United States and repair the nation at the same time, it was a mess and it was hard to put the people back together.

Parpaldia also become smaller, losing their territories to the nation that claimed independence. Now they only become an essence of their past selves, weak and vulnerable. Remille is taken and detained in Arizona, all other nobles are killed by the angry militias. America also try to help improve the quality in 3rd Civilized area, of course the US take a hold on many of the oil field in Philade and many other type of resources.

Without war, they start to improve the economy and focus more on diplomacy and spying. Next goal for America is to make contact with the nation in the west, although it pretty much impossible to access western sea passed the central borders, not to mention all the dangers lay within the water.

Location: Grameus continent
30th September, 1632

Grameus continent or was just called "land of the brutes" is known for being the most dangerous place in the entire world even by eastern world standard because of this they're mostly isolated from everybody else even the southern neighbors. It housed many unknown being and many dangerous race such as goblins, orcs, ogre, wild dragon and such. There's some inhabitants that are humans but those are rather rare, with cooperation between each other they managed to established themselves an empire there.

It was this wildness of the Grameus continent that alliance of race had to construct gate of the world in between Philade and Grameus in order to keep out all the dangerous races. Even then they're not safe from invasion either as Parpaldia march through the gate of the world and start colonizing Grameus continent, after they were defeated, Parpaldia's influence still isn't anywhere near gone in the continent due to the isolated nature of it, no news about the war outcome ever reach them.

Parpaldian troops still ran freely in the field, that wouldn't lasted long when some of the nation from central land look to expand their influence a little bit in the east.


Metal impact the ground sounded across the woods, the troops hold their spear and sword out in face of a foes.

"Listen lads! We will drive out these haughty invader and show them that we're not to be messed with!"

Smoke roses up from the horizons, war horn was blowed. They see a group of wyverns flying in the air infront of them, seeing this as a opportunity the general of the army ordered.

"Air unit charge!"

People flying in the air does just as ordered, though they're not entirely humans but instead is a half-human half-bird like in the certain asia country mythology. They charge toward the wyverns at a fast pace of speed a horse could only imagined to achieved, they was of course met with an anti-air fires from the ground, the wyverns also rush toward them. The ground troops then come face to face with the adversary in a stand off, but they lacked something from being isolated from the world and that is advancement in technology.

As the saying goes "never bring a sword to a gun fight", their troops just went to see Valhalla from a coordinate fire of the invaders. Panicked, the general told the cavalry unit to goes over to the invader's flanks, that failed horribly as both cavalry and war carriage is destroyed by the cannon and guns. They retreat for a short moment to rearrange their plan to fight against technological superior foes. With a help of former Parpaldian army, they'll come up with it.

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