Chapter 46: World's conference

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Location: Cartalpas, Holy Milishial empire, 1st Civilized area
9th July, 1633, 7:30 AM

After a year and a few months the time has finally come, the first to arrive is other nation in 1st Civilized area. The port authority was more than excited for this to happen, so much so they kept a tallies on each and every nation that come to the world's conference.

"Eimor kingdom has reach Cartalpas with 5 flying ship, 12 magi-clad and 1 Carrier!" He shouted.

"Oh, oh!? Let me see!" Port manager, Bronze excitedly exclaimed.

He is amazed, and of course every nation that come will have their own guide send from Holy Milishial empire themselves. He really love this events since as a military fanatic, he always wanted to see other nation roll out big fleet of ship and this is just perfect, it almost as if he is in military festival. While lost in his thought, come another guests.

"Kingdom of Agartha is here with 13 Magic ships, 1 Civilian ship and 2 Carrier!"

"Great! Have the Eriahe greet them!"

So far, these nations brought their most powerful fleet with them and frankly, he's impressed. More and more nation is coming in, most of them are the one in first Civilized area. At last he wondered, what kind of ship Gra Valkas empire and United States will bring, both of these nations defeat a previous superpower in matter of a months so he really look foward to it.

"T-That.. It Mu from Second Civilized area! They brought the entire fleets!"

"What!? Where!?" He desperately shout. Taking his binoculars out and watch as the group of big ships is sailing through the water.

"There's.. 1 Battleship, 4 Cruiser and 12 smaller ships!"

"W-Well, that is impressive for Mu! Though not as impressive as our Zeroth fleet but-"

His arrogant speech was interrupted as his assistant call out again.

"Another one coming from the east!"

"God damnit, hold on..!" Bronze stop his assistant.

He noticed something else alongside Muish fleets and it.. It gigantic! He thought.

"There is another ship coming with Mu!" He pulled in his assistant.

"It got no gun.. but the size.." his voice shake in excitement.

They watch in awe as Admiral Lazarev sailing through the sea along with a bunch of destroyer sent by member of Warsaw pact, it size even rival Mu's battleship. He didn't even knew there was this incredible civilization in the West.

"What..! this is a shock upon shock.. Look!"

Even further behind is an even more gigantic fleets, one notable ship design is leading the fleet like a pack of Dragons. It like a sea castle! It is so big that even their battleship would pale in comparison, he know immediately who it was.

"Those are Gra Valkas empire! They also brought the entire fleets!" His assistant shout.

"If I'm not wrong that is the Grade Atlasta.. right?" Bronze ask, unsure if he is seeing the real thing.

Packing a firepower of 2 Gold class battleship and a toughness of an island, the pride of nation and the most honored in Gra Valkas navy, Grade Atlasta. The Sea Dragon has made it way to Cartalpas too.

"It can't be mistaken! That the same ship that was said to lay waste on Leifor in matter of a day, it a monster!"

They turn to the east, only to be met with a fleet that look like it is always ready to goes to war, but it is less impressive than what the west bring but still.. it still make a shock out of him.

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