Chapter 19: Strike back

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Location: Qua-Toyne, Qua-Toyne Principality, Rodenius
25th August, 1632, 10:00 AM

2 days after the preemptive strike on Alaska, United States of America can't just sit down silently, they eventually established the 1st Rodenius infantry company, mainly consisted of, Qua Toynian, Quillian and Lourian, etc. And now those men will have to go through American way of training, a very hellish training.

The brave men of this company line up in manner, the first part before they go to training is the ceremony for the fallen soldiers, it was a short 1 hour ceremony but it was sad one, civilian mourned for their family that were lost in the wars, each people were given a flowers after the ceremony and they put it down on the grave of their parents, sons, daughter and their comrade. American officer then make a speech about it.

"In honor of those who fallen in wars, let us not forget them, but alway remember them, for they have earned a respect and admiration with their lives, we knew them, we will remember them, they will not be forgotten, their great deeds and bravery for their country will be carved into the history. To our fallen comrade!"

The 1st Rodenius Infantry company saluted at the same time at the time this speech ended, a volley of shots were fired in honor of the fallen one, it was one of the most emotional ceremony in Rodenius as many leader doesn't cared to put up this much effort to honor those who fallen in war. After the ceremony ended, the soldiers marched toward their camp, the civilian cheered that their name, their country will finally be known to the rest of the world.

Once the men reached their camp, they were given a new standard military uniform, the uniform were designed after American OG-107 uniforms.

"Oh hey, Mr.Dvin. you're also joining the army too?" A familiar voices came from beside him.

"Hi Baemul, nice to see you here"

"Are you ready for the training?" Baemul asked.

"Well yes, but probably not now, we need to learn about their military doctrine, weapon, the structure for the army and many other stuff, sound quite boring actually" He answered.

"Yeah, that's actually sound very boring"

"This uniform is very comfortable, compare to what our military has before, the heavy iron armor, i couldn't think of walking with that thing in hot summer" Baemul touch his 1980 battle dress uniform


Dvin replied. A whistle blow as American officer called for an assembly, the mens quickly run to the assembly point and then it started, they were met with, 5 American drill instructor, with just their presences alone, the men of the other world still know that they're a real monster.

"I am Captain, Deimo Velilington! And i will be in command of this company! Today will be your first day in the Army! But you're native to this completely different world! We will go easy on you as you're still not familiar with our ways of training! Be ready for the hell you're about to faces! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Captain Deimo Velilington shouted.

"YESSIR!" The entire company shouted.


"YESSIR!!!" The entire company shouted louder than ever.

"Good job! You can go meet with the drill sergeant!" He walk the stage and the drill sergeant take over

"At ease!" Staff sergeant, Bobber Reinford, ordered.

"Since you're all here, i personally thank you for being very lucky, as you're the 1st infantry company in this place! And of course train by us!" He shouted.

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