Chapter 44: Invitation

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Location: Skies above 3rd Civilized area
3rd October, 1632, 1:20 PM

A plane, carrying a blue and yellow insignia is flying through the clouds, traveling at a speed unimaginable in the east and the high pitched sound of the engine it made loud all over. Inside the plane is surprisingly quiet with the lack of the outside noise, a man speak up.

"How long has it been since I visit the eastern region? Such nostalgic feeling"

"Out of all the sudden, you speak about your nostalgia? What is with you?" Other man replies.

"Hey, I originally came from here you know? Beside, you should look out the window"

He did just that and what he see was out of expectations, a plane seem like a jet fighter is by their wings, an advanced one at that.

"What in the flying frick!?" Their technical officer shout in disbelief.

"What's going on?" He turn around only to see the shocked expression on the officer's face.

"W-Why is there an aircraft like these in the east!?" He obviously is distressed, they can tell just by hearing the officer's voice alone.

Aside from it, they'll be landing in a place called California according to the American, they will be travel by US provided aircraft to Washington DC. He irritated that they couldn't use their own plane. Once they landed, they were met with a bunch of airliner in the airport most of which are more bigger than their own plane.

"In the name of Elves god.. what the hell are those..?"

"Why nobody tell us there is civilization like this in the east?"

They were completely dumbfounded, unknowingly, a man walk up to them, he wear a black attire which they suspect him to be part of government official.

"You're from Holy Milishial empire?" He asked.

"Yes, we come here to meet your leader"

"Great, follow me"

Moving on to the plane, long body with two engine on the back, they walk in, sit on the chair and tighten the seat belts. They start asking the first question.

"So.. how do I put this?"

"What is it?" American official turn his head to them.

"How do you have all this advance city and stuff considering you're in the far east where technological advancement is slow as a mud"

American official scratches his head and mumbled something, he pull his bag out.

"You probably will not believe it but we are from another world"

This does get the shocked expression from Milishian emissaries.

"What!? As from another world like in the fairytale!?" He shouted.

"Yeah, something like that" American official calmly replies.

"There's no way.." He said to himself.

Location: Western seas
5th October, 1632, 2:00 PM

During this peace, Mu ask Soviet union for military exercise in which to test their own Naval prowess, they are in for many surprise that everybody has been prepared. Mu got handful of information on Soviet union military but most of them were already made public, worst possible case is that, those are not even half of what they have in their military.

In this exercise, Muish East blue fleet goes up against Soviet's Pacific fleets. They know not what await them ahead in this mock up fight so they come up with safety measures by using Aircraft carrier for scout and surprise attack and use battleship as a headspear against missiles. Of course they will be no use of real weapon in this war game.

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