Chapter 5: Lost Civilization

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Location: Mu civilization, Pacific ocean
K'ib' Mol, 12,000

The Mu kingdom is one of the very earliest civilizations ever established on planet Earth, as the Mu continent itself was termed Millennia later by British archeologist, which mean "The land of mens" since some believe Mankind was born from the country of Mu.

But they were not alone. Another mythological civilization known as "Atlantis" emerged near the Atlantic Ocean. These two civilizations began competing in the conquering game, with Mu controlling the eastern part of the earth and Atlantis controlling the western side.

However, these two civilizations came to an end as the light of heaven flooded the land of Mu. Mu vanished from the planet that day, leaving behind just a mythological society. With Mu gone, the Earth's axis shifted, and a surviving Architect of Mu sank to the bottom of the ocean, along with all of their knowledge. This also caused the Atlantis continent to shift southward, rendering it uninhabitable within a few years due to the freezing cold of the south pole.

Thus covering continent of Atlantis in thick ice walls, it is known later as "Antarctica".

Mu society finds itself on a new globe; they call this event "Great continent transferences" and blame it on God, but they are powerless to stop it. They first try to contact the surrounding society, but the civilization of this new globe is not very receptive. Because they were residents of Earth, they were unable to wield magic or fly because Earth lacks Wyverns, which put them at a significant disadvantage.

So they concentrated on science. They invented several wonders, including fertilizer, cannons, gun powder, and an anti-wyvern device. They also developed exceptional tactics such as Trench and Phalanx. When Mu was transported, they expected Atlantis to have overrun their old world by now, but they refused to give up. Mu has been studying ways to transfer their continent back to Earth again, ranging from worshiping God to mass sacrificial, after many, many failed attempts. They gave up on returning and eventually forgot about it.

Location: Republic of Mu, New Otaheit, 2nd Civilized area
18th August, 1632, 8:30 AM

The Soviet envoys are ready for their next tour, and as Myrus indicated, they will visit naval and army bases today. They wondered what other weapons they had in their armory.

They walk down the hotel and into the parking lot, where Myrus is waiting for them in his car.

"Hello, gentlemen of the Soviet union." Myrus greeted them.

"We'll head to the Naval base first, it will take around 4 hours so prepare yourself and enjoy the ride" He said as he open the car doors.

Soviet envoys step into the car and brace for a long ride.

Location: Normand, Kingdom of Paganda, 2nd Civilized area
18th August, 1632, 9:09 AM

Following the onslaught by Gra Valkan, many inhabitants fled in panic, leaving the city in ruins. They lost almost all of their Wyverns while attempting to intercept Gra Valkans aircraft; they also lost the 5th and 6th Leiforian squadrons.

Despite losing so much, they were only able to down two of Gra Valkan's planes. The fresh Leiforian reinforcement will arrive in Paganda tomorrow, if that tomorrow exists.

The majority of their ships were also destroyed by the Gra Valkan raid, leaving the Pagandan vulnerable if the Gra Valkan decided to invade them. A guard pulled out his spyglass to inspect the surroundings, he saw nothing, which comforted him little, so he decided to relax with his wife.

Location: 2nd Civilized area sea
18th August, 1632, 9:25 AM

There's one ship escorted by a few destroyers and cruisers. If Americans see this ship, they'll be reminded of a certain Japanese battleship that was sunk 42 years ago.

Its the Gra Valkan's biggest battleship, no. It the world's biggest battleship, exceeding even the legendary Yamato. The Grade Atlastar of the Gra Valkan navy, this battleship fought in numerous conflicts in their world and was regarded as unsinkable by many. She has a proven track record of toughness and resilience, having been hit by 14 torpedoes, 37 shells, 20 bombs, and one ship. Despite this, she continued to float.

Caesar, one of Gra valkas' three great generals, is staring out into the blue, shimmering ocean from the deck of Grade Atlastar.

"7 hours before we reached our destination!" One of the crew members stated.

The emperor assigned the Grade Atlastar only one task, to bombard Leiforia to the ground. There's nothing else.

"Quite a great day isn't, Luxtal?" Caesar said.

"Yes, General Caesar" Admiral Luxtal response.

"What is your opinion on the superpower of this new world?" Caesar asked

"Hm, judging by their technological advancement i must say their standard is pretty low. They deemed Leifor as superpower yet they're using only biplane that pose no threat to us, i also heard that 2nd strongest nation, Mu, is a mechanical country, just like us." Luxtal response.

After hearing Luxtal's comments, Caesar immediately thought of the most powerful country, the Holy Milishial Empire. He wonders how advanced they are and whether they may represent a larger threat than the Divine Kingdom of Kain. He let his imagination run wild on the alleged 'world's strongest'.

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