Chapter 41: Bear and Eagle

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Location: Moskau, USSR, 2nd Civilized area
12th September, 1632, 4:00 PM

It an evening in Russia, a car running around the road, not so different from streets of America. Many thing has been changed for the past few days, they could see Mu's company coming on in to establish itself in Russian soils. Along with existing American company.

"So, you seriously wanna go to McDonald?"

"Can't blame me, American make good stuffs you know"

He sighed, looking out to the city.

"I wanted a pizza"

"I'm the one driving so we're definitely going to McDonald"

Soviet union has never been so peaceful, unlike American who was involved in a war left and right. Russian company expanded into Mu and even Gra Valkas empire, though there is diplomatic issues with the latters but they managed to do it nonetheless. Gorbachev successfully signed to dismissed the use of nuclear bomb and they start expanding their Navy since on Earth they didn't really got a chance to do so.

"What do we get from the prisoners?"

"Who-? Oh those people? Not much honestly we only know they're from Gra Valkas empire and that's it"

"What? Huh, what was they doing in Germany anyways?"

"They refused to told us so I can't do anything about it but to kept them locked"

"Anyways, Gra Valkans diplomat has to come crying to negotiate the release of the prisoners we should go greet them"


In the skies above Europe, a plane with Japanese looking design is flying which escorted by Soviet Su-27 and Polish Mig-21. Gra Valkans reaction to the Soviet aircraft was that they amazed by the technology.

"So these are their aircrafts?" Gra Valkans military officer asked the technical officer.

"Apparently it is, from the look of it. It a jet fighter an advanced one too, we should study from their design to develop our own"

"Isn't that the purpose of the recent project?"

"Hm, it just an improvement from the previous model but yeah that the purpose"

He take look at the Mig-21 and take a note.

"Swept wings.. I wonder how these thing are capable of dogfighting"

The pilot then said into the mic and announced their landing.

"We are almost at our destination, relax as we're about to land"

They reduced altitude and getting close to the runways the Soviet has prepared it for them. Their plane successfully landed, same with the escort. Gra Valkans delegates step out and couple of Soviet troops came to greet them by making a salute, they didn't expected this but they take it nonetheless. The negotiation was not thought to be so hard due to their influence, if anything, they have diplomatic advantage over USSR.. maybe?

The delegate was led to Kremlin senate and have a discussion with Russian officials of releasing the prisoners, it did go smoothly enough. It was a full 4 hours of discussion and approximately 23 prisoners is released back to Gra Valkas empire.

Off the coast of Siberia, 7:00 PM

It a cold night and Soviet navy is patrolling their coast. They met with an unexpected visitors that wasn't wanted.

"Something on sonar"

"Large objects contacted, commence anti-submarine procedure?"

"Permission granted, fire at will"

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