Chapter 53: Encirclement

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Location: New Otaheit, Republic of Mu
24th July, 1633, 6:10 AM

National anthem of two nation play in the morning as they rise their flags, one is a blue flag with white and red stripes in cross shape. The other one is tri-color flag with blue white and red in orders. Soldiers of foreign nationality now reside in Mu. Mu soldiers also coming over to watch these mens train or train with them.

United Kingdom and France became known for their help in taking care of training the new set of troops.

"Hey mate, have you heard about the news?" One British man ask the French man.

"Oh yeah! It the war isn't it?" French man replies by speaking English.

"Absolutely right, you know we might get drag into this one"

"..Hm, what is the point of us going to war? There's no one to fight for, we got no home to protect. I can't even go back and see Paris again.."

"Don't be so dramatic, it the people of this country that we must fight for. Even if we got no homeland to protect, we still got this place to protect"

"You're right.. but, i still hold true to my words"

"About Paris... Then you're not alone here, I can only look at my hometown through a picture.. I'd be damned, I can't even talk with my family. The closest thing to home is this place, West Berlin is no more"

The Berlin wall was finally torn down, unlike the event in our world. This time Berlin was united under socialist rules, last bastion of democracy in Europe is gone.

"So wanna get some wine?" French man ask the British.

"Oh heck yeah" British man happily replies.

Location: Mt. Bertha, Republic of Mu
24th July, 1633, 7:00 AM

Under the snow field of Mount Bertha, Mu military base stand firm in these coldness. Men hurrying to organize their supplies of weapon, many more work is happening.

"Well shit.." Gedsur, member of intel branch mumbled to himself.

He rush toward the command room to report the horrible news.

"General! Pardon my intrusion!" He open the door.

"What is it?" General Vega ask him.

"We got report from the reconnaissance that Gra Valkans division is moving through the mountain.."

"..Are they crazy? Moving through Bertha like this?"

"Yes sir"

"Fine, we will make a defensive line around the mountain. You can go now"

Gedsur salute and take his leaves. Vega couldn't believe it, Gra Valkans really moving through this harsh snowy mountain. He couldn't predict their actions like this, it should take the opposing forces some times before they reach this part of the mountain. The worst part about this mountain is climbing it up, Mu did learn the hard way once. That why they get the idea of settling a base here.

Outside the HQ, flare launcher was fired. Bright light shine through the morning skies, it a signal to begin attacking. Another flares was fired from spot to spot and finally the last flare reach the frontline. Mu hidden anti-tank gun, Model 3 "Higmont" steady themselves.

"..No one there yet"

"Of course! Who the hell would climb this Mountain that fast?"

They wait still for some moment, Gra Valkans aircraft flies over their head and attack the exposed fortification. It just like what were expecting. Gra Valkans will send off an aircrafts first to launch a surprise attack on them, it would had worked but unfortunately for them, this time Mu army came prepared.

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