Baking For Huntresses

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Winter was the time where the days grew shorter and the nights longer. This resulted in an effect on children of Apollo where they woke up later in the winter and went to sleep earlier, resulting in them being lazier all around in the winter.

Gracie leaned against the counter covering her mouth as she yawned. Iona was sitting down at a table painting her nails, the naiad looked up to see the tired daughter of Apollo.

"Relax we're closing so you can fall into your bed soon." Iona told the girl at the counter.

"I know." Gracie said reaching for a cup beside her that held hot chocolate. "I don't however understand how he still has so much energy." She said referring to her half brother in the kitchen.

Iona could agree with her statement. Within the kitchen was Y/n who hummed happily as he mixed something within a bowl. He was currently mixing the batter for a chocolate mousse cake. He had flour on his clothes and somehow had chocolate on his cheek.

Regardless of how his appearnce was he still had a bright smile on his face as he put the bowl down and got a cake pan out as the oven beeped telling him it was ready.

Just as he was pouring the batter into the pan, and somehow not missing despite his lack of sight, he heard the bell to bakery ring.

"We're closed, leave." He heard Iona say rather quickly and frowned slightly.

"Iona be nice!" He called out smacking the back of the bowl trying to make sure all the batter got into the cake pan.

Just as he put the bowl down he heard footsteps walking into the kitchen and was suprised to see a silver humoind form when he looked towards the scource.

"Oh... auntie, what brings you here?" Y/n asked staring blankly in Artemis's direction.

"Nephew as you probably know Christmas is approaching." Artemis said and Y/n nodded.

"Uhuh, got a small tree set up upstairs." Y/n said, "All christmas lights are pretty." he said smiling as he picked the cake pan up and put it into the oven.

"Right, I wanted to see if you could bake a few things for my huntresses." Artemis said and Y/n nodded without a second thought.

"Sure thing, just tell me what." Y/n said, "If it isn't on the menu outfront then you will have to tell me how to make it."

Y/n picked the dirty mixing bowl and whisk up before tossing it without second thought into the sink.

"I could make powdered dounuts, I have been wanting too." Y/n said putting a finger on his chin.

"Revani cakes, Melopita, Melomakarona and Kourampiedes." Artemis said and Y/n's dark honey like eyes just stared blankly at her.

"What and how, also how many of each?" Y/n asked after a moment of silence.

Artemis sighed as she did her best to explain how to make each. Y/n nodded keenly listening to each recipe and their steps.

"Alright I can have done tonight." Y/n said suprising her.

"Tonight?" Artemis asked trying to clarify what she heard.

Y/n nodded. "Yeah, or did you want them tomorrow? You could come back in the morning I guess it'd be a little busy then though."

Artemis took a moment before nodding, "Tonight is fine."

Y/n smiled, "Great, now if you could get out my kitchen I can start, and if you aren't going to then start washing dishes."

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