Chapter 14 (46) I Have a Dam Problem

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At the edge of the dump, we found a tow truck so old it might’ve been thrown away itself. But the engine started, and it had a full tank of fuel, so we decided to borrow it.

Zoë drove. She didn’t seem as stunned as Thalia, Grover, Bianca or me. Y/n was still unconcious.

"The skeletons are still out there," she reminded us. "We need to keep moving."

She navigated us through the desert, under clear blue skies, the sand so bright it hurt to look at it. Zoë sat up front with Bianca. Grover, Thalia and I sat in the back, leaning against the tow winch with Y/n laid on the floor. The air was cool and dry, and was sort of welcomed due to the heat coming from Y/n.

Taking a good look at Y/n, even though his eyes were closed I could still see light shining through them. His hand still gripped whatever he had grabbed, from what I could tell it was some sort of cylinder with an pointed tip on one end and a eagles head on the other. Thalia held his walking stick as she stared at him.

I wanted to believe that Y/n was fine but his body was still burning and I had a bad feeling about it. Their was also the prophecy 'A loss shall be in the land without rain', no one has died so...

"Have either of you seen anything like that?" I asked the other two as I stared down at Y/n.

"No." Grover shook his head, "Children of Apollo can manipulate light and sound, even heal good, but... to produce heat like that."

"It's more of a child of Hephaestus thing." Thalia said, "Especially this heat coming off of him, and I have no clue what's up with his eyes."

"They're like miniature suns." I commented.


Timeskip brought to you by

Mara Sov absentmindedly patting Y/n's head

The tow truck ran out of fuel at the edge of a river canyon. That was just as well, because the road dead-ended.

Zoë got out and almost slamming the door. Immediately, she turned towards us and asked. "Has Y/n awoken yet?"

That must have been a series of magic words as Y/n made a small noise similar to a groan and his eyes opened still shinning brightly. His hand came up to rub his eyes as he sat up.

"I'm hot..." He quietly whinned.

"Yeah." Thalia nodded and I got the feeling she wasn't talking about temperature.

"Are you feeling well Y/n?" I asked him and he looked in my direction.

For a moment he seemed confused, "What..." He blinked and stared at me again. "Is their something wrong with my eyes?" He asked sounding slightly scared.

"Well..." I said unsure how to explain something I didn't understand.

"How much do you remember before you passed out Y/n?" Grover asked him.

"Uh... I think the skimpy lady possessed me breifly showing me Bianca's death." Y/n said tapping his chin with a face of concentraion. Bianca let out a gasp of suprise but he ignroed it. "Then I touched something and suddenly felt really hot, still do..."

"Is it the thing you are still holding in your right hand?" I asked him and he hummed as he opened his hand feeling the object.

Suddenly the eagles head turned into a hammers head. And it was a one handed hammer, which had a faint glow to the head.

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