Chapter 11 (27) The Sheep of Doom

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When you think ‘monster island’, you think craggy rocks and bones scattered on the beach like the island of the Sirens.

The Cyclops’s island was nothing like that. I mean, okay, it had a rope bridge across a chasm, which was not a good sign. You might as well put up a billboard that said, SOMETHING EVIL LIVES HERE. But, except for that, the place looked like a Caribbean postcard. It had green fields and tropical fruit trees and white beaches. As we sailed towards the shore, Annabeth breathed in the sweet air. ‘The Fleece,’ she said.

I nodded. I couldn’t see the Fleece yet, but I could feel its power. I could believe it would heal anything, even Thalia’s poisoned tree. "If we take it away, will the island die?"

Annabeth shook her head. "It’ll fade. Go back to what it would be normally, whatever that is."

I felt a little guilty about ruining this paradise, but I reminded myself we had no choice. Camp Half-Blood was in trouble. And Tyson … Tyson would still be with us if it wasn’t for this quest.

In the meadow at the base of the ravine, several dozen sheep were milling around. They looked peaceful enough, but they were huge – the size of hippos. Just past them was a path that led up into the hills. At the top of the path, near the edge of the canyon, was the massive oak tree I’d seen in my dreams. Something gold glittered in its branches.

"This is too easy," I said. "We could just hike up there and take it."

Annabeth’s eyes narrowed. "There’s supposed to be a guardian. A dragon or…"

"Relax I'll just go get it." Y/n said walking forward... in the complete oppesite way.

Tanya grabbed him, "Wrong way."

That’s when a deer emerged from the bushes. It trotted into the meadow, probably looking for grass to eat, when the sheep all bleated at once and rushed the animal. It happened so fast that the deer stumbled and was lost in a sea of wool and trampling hooves.

Grass and tufts of fur flew into the air.

A second later the sheep all moved away, back to their regular peaceful wanderings. Where the deer had been was a pile of clean white bones.

Annabeth and I exchanged looks.

Y/n hummed, "Those... are sheep silouhettes right, why are they so big and gold dusty?"

"They’re like piranhas," she said.

"Piranhas with wool. How will we –"

"Percy!" Annabeth gasped, grabbing my arm. "Look."

She pointed down the beach, to just below the sheep meadow, where a small boat had been run aground … the other lifeboat from the CSS Birmingham.

"Ah yes, lets gaze upon Idunn's tree of immortality apples." Y/n said looking towards a bush.

"That's a bush." Tanya pointed out.


Timeskip brought to you by

Artemis having to look after Baby Y/n

Okay appearently what Annabeth pointed out was a boat from the CSS Birmingham, which meant I was right, Clarisse is alive. Well she was alive enough to make it to the island.

Percy and Annabeth decided that their was no way we could get past the appearently carniverous sheep to get the Fleece. I'm not sure what they were planning since the sheep would likely be around the fleece no matter which way you went, but they'll figure it out.

And so we decided to help Grover first. Who I totally didn't forget about. Though he is part goat and they sheep cousins with luck he might be able to fool the sheep.

The Queen Anne's Revenge was parked on the back side of the island where their was a cliff, that rose straight up... cliff... I'm not climbing it.

Well I did attempt it once, fell right back down onto the boat, so I am staying here. Make sure the boat stays and nothing takes it.

Tanya went with Annabeth and Percy so that left me by myself. On aboat. Near the edge of a cliff.

"They should have just left mewn nyas nya kitty meow~!" I pouted to myself.

From the top of the cliff I heard, who I assumed to be Polyphemus, shouting about catching Nobody. That was confusing how do you catch nobody, or is he insulting the person he's captured, but if that's the case would you say it with a tone of mockery or insult rather than excitement. Though I guess I should be happy he's accomplished something to ma-

Ooo glowly line. I though as I shifted my cane to my bow as I felt my quiver magically appear on my hip.

Angeling my bow to the sky I slowly draw the string back after knocking an arrow. Down a little and... loose!

I heard the arrow sailing through the air. What'd I just send it at?

My answer came in the form of a loud roar of pain, and Clarisse's distance voice. "Great shot Y/n!"

Guess I did something good.

Why are the sheep on the island carnivorous? From what I was told the island should be a lush paradise which meant they should have plenty of flora to eat. But I suppose if it wasn't always like that then they would find another way to survive and eat other creatures. They are also monster sheep. Do sheep taste good?

Why is the ship moving? I silently thought as I felt the ship moving itself.

Shrugging I go towards the wheel of the ship as I turn my lights on. I have no clue how to drive a ship.

"Glowy linye nyis saying right meow~!" I say turning the wheel right.

The ship started to move right. Hopefully the light knows where we're going, because I sure don't.





Chapter End brought to you by baby Y/n following Phoebe around

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