Foxy Troves

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Vix, otherwise known as Vixen, was the teumessian fox that was the pet of the blind son of Apollo, Y/n.

Now the boy himself wasn't much to worry about, well on the scale of him not being mean or rude. Though it may feel like he staring into your soul at times, and he may tell you a truth that you've been lying to yourself about. The point is he isn't malicous.

His fox Vix isn't malicous either. Not to say she doesn't cause problems by stealing things, or as Y/n would put it 'borrow'.

The problem was that Y/n didn't try to stop Vix from 'borrowing' things. Which leads to people having to constantly approach him to ask if Vix had stolen something of theirs that was missing.

This was how the current predicament with a few goddesses have came about. Y/n was standing opposite of Hera, Aphrodite, Themis, Eos, Nike and Hemera.

"So do you seven want cookies?" Y/n asked as he just now noticed they were present.

"What kind?" Aphrodite asked.

"Aphrodite, we aren't here for cookies." Hera scolded before Y/n could respond, "Y/n where are things your fox has stolen?"

"She always returns them." Y/n waved off as he turned back around to face the stove before he added, "...well eventually."

"Just tell us where the 'borrowed' items are sweetie." Aphrodite told Y/n taking a step forward only to be pulled back by Hera and Heemera.

"Well I can't quite answer that." Y/n chuckled turning around with a sheepish smile.

"And why can't you?" Themis asked crossing her arms, she needed her scales back.

"Well Vix has multiple troves scattered around..." Y/n told them.

"Their can't be that many around this camp." Nike said, "Let's just go through them all."

"Well their is sixteen troves in total and six are in the camp while one is in Dawning Bakes, two in Central Park, four on Olympus, one in Hades domain and two in Camp Jupiter." Y/n told them and they all stared at him silently.

Y/n put a finger on his chin, "Well I think she has a trove on Circe's island too."

Hera sighed, "Where is your fox?"

Y/n did a sharp almost ribbed whistle and Vix came bounding into the kitchen a few seconds later.

"Vix, did you forget to return anything to these nice ladeis?" Y/n asked kneeling down to the fox.

However the goddesses were focusing on what the fox had in her mouth, black lace langerie.

"Aphrodite..." Themis started looking towards the goddess.

"Not mine." The love goddess stated.

The fox let the lingerie go and dropped it into Y/n's hands. He gained a puzzled expression as he felt the cloth.

"Who'd you get this from?" Y/n asked only to get an 'arf' in response. "Well I'm not sure what this is but I am sure Reyna will want it back, now you return theses goddesses items before I get back." Y/n told the fox as he walked out the kitchen.


Timeskip brought to you by

Rhea letting Y/n sit in her lap

Reyna sounded a little embarassed when I returned whatever Vix sto- borrowed from her. I'm not sure why, what's to be embarassed about soft clothing... maybe it was underwear.

"No that's not what I am missing." I heard Themis sigh, I wasn't near the kitchen yet I was near the campfire.

"Y/n!" Gracie called out, "We need your help."

I went over to where I heard her voice and felt my foot bump into something on the ground. I ignored it and contiuned on my path.

"What do you need?" I asked as I heard Vix trot off, probably to go get another item.

"Tell Vix to retieve... what was it Themis?" Gracie asked.

"My scale." Themis said, "But the fox has went off again."

"I was wondering where this makeup bag went." I heard Aphrodite say sounding like she was pouting.

"Y/n do you know how much stuff Vix has stolen?" Gracie asked.

"Not a clue." I shrugged, "She doesn't always bring stuff to me, sometimes just puts it in one of her troves."

Gracie sighed, "We are going to do a cleaning of all her troves here at camp."

"The fox also stole my whip." I heard Eos say.

Why's she have a whip?

"Here's a bulletproof vest of Ares." Aphrodite said.

"Why'd she steal a pack of condoms?" I heard Hera ask, and I didn't know why either. It's not like I use them.

"Y/n do you and her use them?" Will asked.

"I have no clue who you're talking about." I told him deciding to be clueless.

"It's not a secret, the relationship between you and-" Will was cut off by Vix letting out and 'arf' and dropping something at my feet.

I reached down and picked it up. It felt like a book.

"There's the book I have been looking for!" Annabeth shouted and I felt her take the book from me.

"Vix get the scales." I told Vix who 'arfed' and bounded off.

A few minutes later she returned with scales, like dragon scales. Well... technically she did what I asked.

"It'll probably be easier if we just go the trove she's getting this all from." Gracie suggested.

"Right. Vix lead us to the goddess trove." I told her and started to follow after her form.


Timeskip brought to you by

Athena with Y/n over her shoulder because he kept walking into a wall

Hera, Eos, Aphrodite, Themis, Nike, Hemera, Gracie and Y/n all stood looking at a decently sized trove of trinkets and items. All from varying goddesses or titanesses.

"Well I see my diadem." Hera sighed as she walked over and picked it up. "I also believe this is Amphitrite's necklace."

"Here's my sword sheathe." Nike said picking up the thing Vix had stolen from her.

One by one the goddesses all found what was stolen from them. Even things that they themselves didn't know was stolen.

"What'd you lose lady Hemera?" Y/n asked not having heard the primordial say anything.

"I don't see it." She said looking around.

"What was it?" Y/n asked, "Maybe Vix brought it to me and I just kept it with me."

"It was a shining crystal, it held daylight in it." She told the blind boy.

"Oh the pretty crystal." Y/n said pulling it out of his pocket. "Here ya go."

Hemera took the crystal from Y/n as he walked towards the pile. He posed a question, "How will we know what goes to who?"

Gracie thought about it before she realized they wouldn't know. "I don't know."

"So no cleaning?" Y/n suggested with a hopeful smile.

Gracie sighed, "Just tell Vix to start returning everything."

"Okay, Vix start returning everything at your own pace, as long as the items are somewhere the owner can owns it should be good." Y/n said before he walked off.

"He purposefully worded it like that didn't he?" Nike asked and Gracie just nodded her head.




Chapter End brought to you by Reyna holding Y/n away from Aphrodite

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