Hebe's Cookie's Caused This

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It was quiet throughout the Apollo Cabin, well as quiet as it normally was on days where all the Apollo children decided to relax and not do anything.

Kayla and Gracie were talking to each other about the weather... clothes... honestly this narrator doesn't know. I think they're speaking a different language. Yan was listening in on their conversation looking just as confused as the narrator felt.

Will was skimming through recent infirmary report not really intending to get to work on any of them. The same could be said  for Lee. Michael was talking with Autsin both discussing how they could play their intruments together.

While they were all consumed with their own conversations and task, they were all waiting for when Y/n would return with cookies. It was really a known thing throughout the camp that Y/n would make cookies for any cabin that decided to just relax throughout the day, it gave him an excuse to bake more.

It helped that everyone loved his baking, even the Aphrodite campers who totally ate less than everyone to keep their appearence up because 'too much sugar is bad'. Y/n heard that as a challenge and subsequently made one of the most addicting cookies anyone's ever tasted. He's never explains what's in them, just smiled and giggled when asked. People chose to ignore and not to be worried about it.

When they heard their cabin door open they looked and expected to see Y/n carrying a tray, instead they saw Katie helping a baby walk.

"Who's the baby?" Lee asked being the first one to speak up.

"Uh... we think it's Y/n." Katie said as the baby was hugging her leg.

"You think?" Will repeated.

"Well you see I was helping Y/n bake and I stepped out for a moment to help one of my siblings and when I came back this baby was in a pile of Y/n's clothes." Katie explained.

Graice walked up and kneeled down to the baby that she guess to be around ten or eleven months old, he had pale honey eyes and its hair was indeed mostly blond with (h/c) tips.

"We should to Mr D about this." Gracie said as she went to pick the baby up.

Katie tried to stop her, but as soon as the baby's legs were an inch off the ground it started to cry.

"Don't pick him up!" Katie said slapping Gracie's hands and setting the baby Y/n back down. "He doesn't like being picked up."

"Oh, sorry." Gracie apologized as she say baby Y/n hug Katie's leg with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah I stopped here first because it was on the way to the Big House." Katie said. "Want to come help me explain to Mr D and Chiron?"

Gracie looked over to will before agreeing, "Sure."


Timeskip brought to you by

Ares trying to be intimidating as a toddler Y/n sits on his shoulders
(I'm just imagining Powder on Sevika's shoulders)

"Well this is bothersome." Mr D said as he looked to the baby who was sitting on the porch of the Big House.

Baby Y/n was messing with a few playing cards that Mr D had given him. While baby Y/n had no clue what he was messing with he still decided to put them in his mouth, and as soon as he did that Mr D had took the cards away.

"Indeed, what was he doing prior to you leaving him?" Chiron asked Katie.

"Well he said he was trying out a new recipie." Katie said, "Said it was for... uh.... Hebe I think."

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