Chapter 4 (20) Glowly Line Leads to Woman?

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So the story that I got was that the styphalian birds had simply been minding their own buisness in the woods and would not have attacked it Annabeth, Tyson and Percy hadn't distubred them with bad chariot driving.

That reasoning was complete crap. For one I doubt flesh eating birds care about driving skills. Two it was likely the sound of Tantalus' voice that set them off, a sentiment most of my siblings shared.

Tantalus didn't care about the obviously false reason and punished Annabeth, Tyson and Percy by making them kitchen patrol. Scrubbing pots and platters all afternoon in the underground kitchen with the cleaning harpies. The thing is though they washed with lava instead of water, to get that extra-clean sparkle and kill ninety-nine poitn nine percent of all germs they say.

The harpies are actually nice when you get ot know them. Like to help me bake, and we even share recipes.

The thing that made the three's job worse was that Tantalus had ordered a special luncheon banquet to celebrate Clarisse's chariot victory - a full-course meal featuring country-fried stymphalian death-bird.

I wasn't really ready to eat flesh eating birds so I decided to go to Thalia's tree. This time I didn't have a guitar, instead I had a harp. I asked if the satyrs could make me one and teach me how to play it.

"Hi Ms.Tree." I greeted as I sat down with my back against it.

Why did I call it Ms.Tree. Simple, because the tree came from Thalia and Thalia was the daughter of Zeus, a female. Doesn't take Athena to get how that makes sense.

"I know I haven't had any successful healing magic on... well anything, but I figure a song could just take your mind off of things." I tell the tree as I look up and see a faint spark get sent through a branch as a response.

"Its not a song that the satyrs have been teaching me, rather one I heard in the mortal world so I doubt it'd do anything." I told Ms.Tree.

"Anyways I'll get on with it." I told her and leaned back against it and set the harp in my lap.

Closing my eyes I brought my fingers to the strings and started to hum before I started to play the harp.

(Just imagine Erutan's cover of Pan's Lullaby without the flute)

I didn't know how long I had stayed there playing the harp and humming, but when I did come back to reality I wasn't alone anymore not that I realized since my light vision wasn't turned on.

"Well im not sure if it did anything, but hopefully you liked it Ms. Tree." I said looking up and activating my light vision and saw a more prominent spark go through a branch making me smile.

"The tree does look better so I would say it did." The voice of Niia said beside me making me yelp.

"You're jumpy." Another voice spoke, it was female and I didn't recognise it.

I looked towards the scource and saw two silouhettes of dryads, and asked with an embarassed blush, "How long have you two been here?"

"For a couple minutes, you have a nice voice." Niia compliments. "And play the harp good, what was that song?"

"Well it was Pan's Lullaby from Pan's Labyrinth, its a mortal movie." I told her blushing from the compliment.

"Could you play it again?" The second one asked, "I liked it, I think the satyrs will love it aswell."

"I didn't know anyone was listening..." I said shyly.

"Oh you have stage fright." Niia said and I just shyly nodded. "Well we wont force you."

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