Chapter 8 (41) A Brief Stop

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I was woken by a knocking at my cabin's door.

Groggily I pushed myself out of bed and slowly went over to the door and opened it shuddering at the cold winter breeze that swept through when I did, and so I just emited a little heat from my body to counteract the cold.

Maybe I should have slept with a shirt, but they were so far and my bed was warm and I would have got cold if I got out.

"Woah..." I heard Thalia mutter.

I yawned, "Need something Thalia?"


"What is taking you so long?" Zoë's voice asked and I heard the crunching of snow getting closer.

With a sigh I activated my light vision and saw Zoë's silouhette stop and Thalia infront of me. I could feel Thalia's eyes trailing over me for some reason. Zoë took stock of my appearence which was unknown to me.

I was shirtless, which I knew. But my white sweatpants were crooked with one side handing on the middle of my hip with the other side dangerously low. I ran my hand through my hair sweeping it back out of my face.

Zoë rolled her eyes at Thalia, who unknown to me was blushing, "Get ahold of thyself."

The silouhette of Thalia's head shook, "Right! The quest, we gotta go now."


"You haven't packed yet have?" She asked with a sigh.

"I haven't unpacked my last pack yet, so technically I was prepared before you." I told her with a smug smile.

"So are you going to go on the quest shirtless?" Thalia asked me amused.

"No." I said turning around leaving the door open. For a moment I stopped searching for my shirt I threw off. "I can't find it."

"Find what?" Thalia asked walking up beside me.

"The shirt I threw off, or even a jacket would do." I told her.

"Here." Zoë said handing me something, it felt like a jacket. "Now lets go, we have wasted enough time."


Timeskip brought to you by

Toph and Y/n cuddling because they accidentally laid down in the same bed

"So what happen to Phoebe?" I asked as Zoë drove towards Dawning Bakes.

"Centaur blood was in her shirt, she broke into hives." Bianca told me.

"So that's what the Stoll's were up too." Thalia said and Zoë glared at her.

"Thy knew?" Zoë asked glaring at her.

"They were the Stoll's, they were bound to be up to something." Thalia defended, "They're children of Hermes."

"True." I added.

"See, Y/n agrees with me." Thalia said.

"That was only him stating a fact not agreeing." Zoë countered.

I decided to ignore the two's arguement about yet another thing. Instead I decided to talk to Bianca.

"So what's your favorite cookie?" I asked her

"Uh... amaretti di saronno." She told me and I got excited.

"Do you kow how to make it?" I asked her not being able to stop my smile.

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